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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    View File Starship Combat Pay Starship Combat Pay v1.0.1 Overview Starship Combat Pay give players a tangible reward, beyond avoiding a game over screen, for surviving the Ebon Hawk Gunnery Station mini-game. After escaping the Sith Blockade and landing on Dantooine, you’ll get a message from the Republic. It reads: "Republic Combat Pay Thank you for registering your Dynamic-class freighter, designation: the Ebon Hawk, as a civilian paramilitary vessel. Until further notice, as an enlisted soldier of the Galactic Republic Navy, you are hereby entitled to a financial reward of 200 Republic credits for the successful elimination of each Sith Imperial starfighter you encounter aboard your registered personal starship. You'll find a payment of 1200 Republic credits has already been deposited directly into your account. Further payments will be deposited immediately after each conflict. May the Force be with you." …And that’s exactly what the mod does. It pays you a total of 1200 credits every time you’re forced to play the Ebon Hawk Gunner Station mini game. Notes Unfortunately, this mod doesn’t change the mini-game itself in any meaningful way. It does however make playing it more rewarding. When deciding on the number of credits players should receive, we looked at different amounts of pay that scale with level and we arrived at a flat 1200 credits for a number of reasons. A scaling number of credits requires an in-setting explanation for why the main character’s pay increases, which logically goes to rank. Applying any sort of rank to the main character adds a level of non-canon material that I’m not comfortable adding in my mods. In terms of the game’s existing financial rewards go 1200 credits is pushing it. However, in terms of the setting, a 1200 credit bonus is a paltry sum for destroying a 300,000 credits worth of starfighters. So, since most players tend to only travel between planets after fully completing them, the number of randomly generated starfighter encounters is relatively low. In any case, once you get full access to the Ebon Hawk, you’re free to win heaps of credits by swoop racing or savescum an infinite number of credits by gambling with Suvam Tan. So, exploiting the turret minigame isn’t going to unbalance anything. Credits Script Writer: Thor110 Contributor: Zoctavous Mod Author: Timbo Special Thanks I want to thank Thor110 who had the script almost entirely worked out within minutes of pitching the idea and for patiently sticking with it over the next couple weeks to fine tune it. Seriously, this part was about 90% of the work. I also want to thank Zoctavous who has very quickly become my go-to scripting confidante. Whenever there’s something I don’t understand or need help fixing. He’s usually the first person I hit up. Without him helping me get past the very first problem with this mod, this release simply wouldn’t have happened. Finally, I want to give a special thanks to Discord user sharkynebula from the KOTOR server who casually suggested that the Republic should have to pay you for playing the minigame. This is the idea set this whole thing off. Submitter Timbo Submitted 08/18/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. 1 point
    Bruh this is such an awesome idea, absolutely terrific. It did make me think about some stuff I never considered before though From a... realistic? perspective I guess, would something like this even be done? IDK this deep into Star Wars but I imagine that, being an actual enlisted soldier as opposed to a mercenary or bounty hunter, bounty payouts placed on enemy targets would not be applicable for you. Even if you are a scoundrel or scout class, you're still technically an enlisted soldier. AFAIK, an enlisted soldier in most IRL militaries would not receive bounty prize money aimed at ordinary citizens only for capturing/terminating enemy targets while on duty, and Revan's story as both a soldier and Jedi made him on duty for the Republic 24/7. IDK I'm just rambling. Amazing idea but it does pose some questions. I also admit IDK how this would be applicable to anything IRL. Maybe instead of the Republic themselves paying you, you could actually be paid by another organization that has a vendetta against the Sith? Like maybe getting paid by some representative of Aratech or something.