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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Nice work. How does it handle stuff like the fingers? It's interesting that you are using Auto-Rig Pro. Is it the version they were giving away for free a month or two ago? I had been thinking about possibly importing TOR anims directly via an NPC-only TOR rig for stuff like the dancers and so forth. But retargeting would obviously be much more useful. The TOR Blender plugin(s) have evolved a lot in the last couple of years, so getting TOR anims in a usable state is much more viable. For example, in-built rig scaling, removing added orientations, etc.
  2. 1 point
    So after all this time I am back resurrecting this thread because I made a very interesting discovery! I was poking around with retargetting animations and I managed to port a mocap animation from Mixamo to the game! Thanks to the "Unapply object keyframes" feature that KotorBlender has, I could retarget the animation from the Mixamo armature to the Kotor armature. At first I used the Rokoko Blender plugin to retarget the animations and the results weren't half bad, but then I tried with Auto Rig Pro and the results were even better! Here's how it looks in Blender: And here's ingame: I will keep experimenting on this. I may try to retarget the TOR rig to the Kotor animations like @DarthParametric and @JCarter426 were doing a few years ago, although I don't know how that will turn out.