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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2024 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Silent Sion Restoration Author: Emperor Devon Version: 1.00 File Name: Silent Sion Restoration.zip Contact: Emperor Devon (Deadly Stream), emperor.devon9@gmail.com (email), false_epiphany (Discord). Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are all welcome. 1. DESCRIPTION This mod removes the added TSLRCM dialogue lines where Sion tells the Exile, "I have come to warn you, Jedi. You know not the path you walk," (if female) or "I have come for the Jedi," (if male) during their first meeting on the Harbinger. I think the scene is stronger without those lines for several reasons. #1: Sion is scarier when he doesn't speak. All you've seen him do, previously, is murder and terrify. He's basically a horror movie monster. He doesn't need to speak. #2: The male line is redundant. We already know he's here for the Exile. He even says so over the Harbinger holologs. He doesn't need to say so again. #3: The female line undermines Sion's character. His stated intention of "warning" the Exile casts him as an ambiguous figure who potentially means the Exile well. This further reduces his sense of menace. #4: The female line doesn't fit the Sion (quasi-)romance. Sion warning the Exile implies he already has feelings for her. But this is their first meeting. They haven't even spoken. Sion showing no concern for the Exile when they meet, in contrast, implies that his feelings develop over the course of their interactions (primarily on Korriban), which I find more believable. #5: The female line makes no sense. Sion is on Peragus to kill the Exile, not warn the Exile. He has no reason to lie about this. Not all of KotOR II's cut content was cut because of time constraints. Some was cut because the developers thought the game was better without it. IMO, this is one of those instances. So, I've removed the two lines. Sion won't speak a word when he encounters a male or female PC. He will just advance down the hall in menacing silence. 2. COMPATIBILITY This mod requires the TSLRCM. It is compatible with all other mods. 3. INSTALLATION Copy the file to your override folder. 4. UNINSTALLATION Delete the file from your override folder. 5. USAGE AND PERMISSIONS You have my blessing to do whatever you want with this file. If you use it in another mod, or upload it to another website, please give me attribution for my work. 6. CREDITS • Cortisol for developing the Holocron Toolset • Deadly Stream for providing a continued home for KotOR modding • tk102 for his dialogue editor • The TSLRCM team for restoring so much of the game's cut content • Wine's developers for letting me run Windows tools over Ubuntu • Wizard for continuing to maintain the Holocron Toolset • BioWare and Obsidian for making great games that people still play 20+ years later. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.1.0


    Gives Bastila a unique Force power based on the Battle Meditation power from TSL. *NOTE: This mod will only work properly on saves from before Bastila has joined your party.* DETAILS This mod essentially ports the "Improved Battle Meditation" Force power from KOTOR II and gives it to Bastila as a starting power instead of Force Aura. Like in TSL, the power adds +2 to attack rolls, damage, and will saves for all party members and -2 for enemies within a 10m radius for 20 seconds at a cost of 35 FP. It also increases vitality regeneration for the duration. The power is not selectable at level-up by the PC or party members and is only added as one of Bastille’s starting powers. The VFX and Force power icon are ported from TSL. In KOTOR II, Improved Battle Meditation is a level 12 power while this mod gives it to Bastila at level 3, so it's possible there's an effect on balance in the early game. I don't think it's too OP of a power but let me know if you have feedback. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. This is required. Don't try to copy the files over manually. NOTE: If you install on a save from after Bastila has already joined your party, she won't have the power and won’t be able to select it on level-up. You can use save editor to give her the power. If any files are modified, a backup folder of unmodified files will be created inside the mod folder. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove spells.2da, visualeffects.2da, effecticon.2da, p_bastila.utc, fp_bmed.ncs, v_bmedit2_imp.mdl, v_bmedit2_imp.mdx, v_bmedit2r_imp.mdl , v_bmedit2r_imp.mdx, and ip_battlemed02.tga from the override folder. Replace unk_m44ac.mod in the modules folder with the version in the backup folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the version in the backup folder. Then move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod afterward. Could potentially conflict with other mods that edit Bastila's starting Force powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty djh269 - endgame Bastila support, icon upscale & other tweaks - thanks! KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod makes it so Treat Injury modifies the vitality points gained from Force healing powers. SUMMARY The Treat Injury skill isn’t very useful for Force users, since medpacs become pretty much obsolete when you can heal with Force points. I wanted to make the skill more valuable to Jedi classes while rebalancing Force heals a bit. Now, Jedi will need to invest points into Treat Injury to be effective healers. Characters with low Treat Injury will heal less and may want to rely on other party members with high Treat Injury for healing, or advanced medpacs/life support kits. Lore-wise, it makes sense that a Jedi would need some understanding of the body’s healing process in order to heal effectively through the Force, and that some Jedi are more specialized in healing than others. This mod may make the game slightly more challenging on average, since a Treat Injury lower than your character level will lead to less VP healed compared to vanilla. See details below. DETAILS In vanilla, the number of vitality points you gain from Force healing is tied to your level and Wisdom/Charisma modifiers, plus a flat bonus of 5 VP from Heal and 15 VP from Improved and Master Heal. This mod replaces the character level modifier by the average of your level and Treat Injury skill. Here’s a breakdown of each power’s VP gain: Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 5 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 5 Improved Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 15 Master Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + 2*level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + level + Treat Injury + 15 With this mod, you’ll need a Treat Injury equal to your character level to heal the same amount as in vanilla. Points above or below this will increase or decrease the amount compared to vanilla. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed inside the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_heal1ti.ncs, k_fp_heal2ti.ncs, k_fp_heal3ti.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk located in the backup folder. If there's a spells.2da inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for the Heal, Improved Heal, and Master Heal powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.
  4. 0 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Iziz Workbench by Darth InSidious This mod adds a workbench to Iziz on Onderon, which previously didn't have one. There are two options for installing the mod: Option 1 adds the workbench to the landing bay you arrive in; Option 2 addsthe workbench to Dhagon's office. Installation Run 'Install Iziz Workbench.exe', select an option, hit select, and run the installer. Uninstallation Take either di_spnwb_501.ncs or di_spnwb_512.ncs out of your Override folder, and then copy the backup of either 501OND.mod or 512OND.mod in the 'backup' folder that the installer generated when it installed the mod, and copy it into your modules folder.