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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Ugh, now you've got me on a saber kick. Here's a new one - Luke's "V2" saber from ROTJ. This is more or less the actual hero, since this is the one used for hanging off his belt and any non-stunt/combat shots. It's actually one of Obi-Wan's stunt sabers from ANH (notably in the scene where Vader gives him the chop), hastily pressed into service after they started filming with an ESB Graflex before realising that Luke was supposed to have lost that on Bespin... It's notable for being ratty as hell, covered in gunk and worn and flaking paint, with gaffer tape around the neck to stop the emitter from rotating and holes in the pommel/booster area plugged up with some random bits. A few other Obi stunts were also used, one of which, the short-bladed "Yuma" hilt used during the sail barge fight (where Luke gets shot in the hand), was later cleaned up, repainted, and given a custom control box to become what most people know as the hero for reshoots. It's only seen in a single shot, the insert shot of Vader twisting it in his hands on Endor. It was also used in the cut cave construction scene, which was later made available on the Bluray release. K1 - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Luke_ROTJ_V2_Belt_Hanger.7z TSL - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_Luke_ROTJ_V2_Belt_Hanger.7z Doesn't look so flash in-game, since you can't really resolve a noisy texture like that from a distance, but eh.
  2. 2 points
    I noticed I had a half-finished Vader ANH hilt from a few years back. I think I probably used that as the basis of the Anakin AOTC hilt, but then never got around to finishing it. So I put together a texture for it. Available as a unique and vanilla red hilt replacement. I think oldflash already has a Vader hilt in his movie hilts pack, but from memory it was the ROTJ version which I dislike (it was a Graflex bastardised to look kind of like an MPP). K1 - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Darth_Vader_ANH_Saber.7z TSL - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_Darth_Vader_ANH_Saber.7z And since I mentioned it and I don't recall whether it was posted publicly or not, the said Anakin AOTC hilt: K1 - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Anakin_AOTC_Saber.7z TSL - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_Anakin_AOTC_Saber.7z
  3. 1 point
    @Untold Prophecy, I just discovered I apparently made a meal of the 2DA setups in prior uploads, resulting in the Luke and Vader sabers probably causing a crash if you try to play around with the unique variants at a workbench. I've (hopefully) sorted that out now. I've tested all of them to confirm they work properly at a workbench and have reuploaded them (same links above). You'll have to revert upcrystals.2da before reinstalling. If you don't have a backup you'll have to manually edit it to remove those rows. And you might have to remove any existing hilts/crystals from your inventory and re-add them. Apologies for the screwup/s. Edit: The TSL version of the Anakin AOTC suffered from it as well it seems. Also fixed that. =================================== I realised all my old sabers that are on my site probably had their UVs mulched by MDLOps. I can't be assed dealing with most of them, but the Henchman was possibly my favourite of all the hilts I ever made, so I decided to redo that one at least. The original was blue, but I made the new incarnation green since I already posted a bunch of blue ones. Available as a unique and vanilla green hilt replacement. There's also an optional weathered/damaged texture, which was part of the original request. K1 - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Henchman_Hilt_v2.0.7z TSL - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_Henchman_Hilt_v2.0.7z I was thinking that since you are compiling lists of hilts, it might be a good idea to make a table of model variations to see which ones clash. Can probably put it up on Github or something.
  4. 0 points
    @Untold Prophecy: Luke's ESB saber (Dagobah version from memory), as requested. K1 - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Luke_ESB_Lightsaber.7z TSL - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_Luke_ESB_Lightsaber.7z Available as unique hilts and vanilla cyan overrides. Only tested very briefly in K1, but it seemed to be ok. And for anyone else with a similar unquenchable Graflex fetish, here's the ANH version as well: K1 - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Luke_ANH_Lightsaber.7z TSL - https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_Luke_ANH_Lightsaber.7z