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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2020 in Blog Comments

  1. 1 point
    You should definitely use the Unofficial Tweak Pack to remove the most questionable elements of TSLRCM. Some other suggestions from my usual suspects list: Backdrop Improvements HD Cockpit Skyboxes (despite violating my "HD" rule) Head Model Fixes High Quality Blasters Luxa Hair Fix (make sure to use the hotpants option!) Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox Realistic Visual Effects Telos Citadel Station Skybox Since I seem to recall you not always playing in widescreen, these are optional I guess: Improved Widescreen Experience (stretched UI fix) Main Menu Fix for Widescreen Probably a good idea. Not least because, unlike K1, TSL is fundamentally broken in ways that are not easily fixed beyond the remedial work TSLRCM has already performed.