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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2016 in Blog Entries

  1. 1 point
    I've turned most of the major characters' lines for K1 and TSL into Mp3. I'm weird that way. I'm also anal retentive which means I have to track tag those MP3s. And I have to have decent album art for the track tag. Why not turn that obsessive nature into a positive? Hence me working on my own little portrait package. HairlessWookiee over at Reddit has been kind enough to provide some high quality shots of the TSL NPCs for me. A few at time right now. I thought I'd show off what I've done in the form of animated GIFs. Handmaiden (Hood Up) Handmaiden (Hood Down) Visas Marr Mira Now obviously it's only three frames with transitions I made to fade between them, but they aren't that hideous!