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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2016 in Blog Comments

  1. 1 point
    Good you are on your own now. You do not have to conform to what you do not believe in. I am glad you broke out and are living a life of your own. It may be tough right now, but everything will turn for the better. Congrats on coming out and realizng who you are and not listening to people who will deny you for who you truly are. Live a good life, keep on modding, and most importantly keep on going on and be happy.
  2. 1 point
    I'm a fair bit late but I'm so glad you're starting to get things back together. Obviously the way you've been treated makes me at once sickened and completely fucking enraged, but the main thing is that things are looking up. You're a really great person, you deserve a good life and I'm sure things will keep getting better! I - and I'm sure everyone else here - will be happy to talk or even just lend an ear if ever you need it, and of course don't push yourself back into modding if you're not fully up for it. Oya, ner vod!
  3. 1 point
    Bah, ridiculous! That is so inconsiderate! I myself am a Christian! But the stupid things religion makes people do is absolutely despicable! Honestly! Who would kick out their own son like that? Really... Who would do it... I'm glad to hear you are happy, sounds like the past six months have been hell for you. If you brave the storm, if you fight the fire, if you walk through hell, and you make it out, you shall be prosperous!