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Vasilii Zaytsev

SKIN:Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields

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Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields

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AUTHOR: VasiliiZaytsev (aka RenegadeSniper7)
CONTACT: RenegadeSniper7 on or
MOD NAME: Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields
DATE: July 22nd, 2015




/*v1.2 CHANGELOG:*/


- Fixed an issue where an asteroid at the top of the asteroid field would be noticeably cut off as the field shifted up and down.


/*v1.1 CHANGELOG:*/


- Fixed a bug where the top and bottom of the texture was being slightly cut off in-game as the field oscillated up and down, causing a few
asteroids to visibly slide in and out of existence. A "buffer zone" of empty space has been added to the top and bottom of the replacement
textures to prevent this issue from happening.


- Improved the placement of asteroids within the texture to produce a more realistic look.




DESCRIPTION: This is my first mod, and it's an extremely basic one. It takes the default 2D asteroid field texture used in the Peragus
asteroid fields in the tutorial/prologue and outside of the Ebon Hawk hangar bay, and replaces them with much nicer ones. While it isn't
perfect, I feel that it's a vast improvement over the eyesores that were the default textures. See the included screenshots to see the default
textures vs. mine.


NOTE: This DOES NOT replace the texture(s) of the individual free-floating 3D asteroids around Peragus, only the asteroid field textures.


INSTALLATION: Copy and paste the "EBO_Astr.tga" and "PER_As02.tga" files to your KotOR II override folder.


UNINSTALLATION: Remove the aforementioned files from your override folder.


PERMISSIONS: If you want to use this mod as part of your own, that's fine. Just credit me as "VasiliiZaytsev/RenegadeSniper7." And if you do
use my mod in yours, feel free to let me know by PMing me on LucasForums! I'd be interested to see what you're working on.


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