Ultimate Party Mod

   (3 reviews)

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About This File

What this mod does is take your companions to the next level by modifying their original attributes, skills, feats, force powers, force points and health (by modifying each character's .utc file), as well as the vitality and force points they earn per level up (by modifying the classes.2da file). Almost each character has received a major buff to their original health. Only a few retain their original health amount and only 2 party members will see their original vitality points decrease (T3 and the Remote, to be exact). You will also see that some characters might have some unique feats that they don't have in the actual game. For example, Atton now has the "Echani Strike I" feat, a feat that's restricted to the Handmaiden only. Why's that? If you recall at one point, we learn from the Handmaiden sisters that Atton has received basic training in Echani fighting, and we also see this cutscene with Atton and Brianna play out, where Brie questions Atton about his Echani training. Another example would be the fact that Bao-Dur now has the "Droid Trick" and "Scramble Droid" feats that were previously restricted to G0-T0 only (I thought that Bao-Dur, being the awesome engineer that he is, would have constructed some sort of device that can mess with hosile droids' behavior, just like G0-T0 can). Another example is the fact that Canderous can now wield a lightsaber (because he is a badass), thanks to the "Weapons Proficiency: Lightsaber" feat I've added to his template. You want more? Mira can now equip Implants, just like Canderous (she's a bounty hunter, I bet she is familiar with implants and stuff). One last example? HK can now use stealth mode, thanks to the "Personal Cloaking Shield" feat that is restricted to G0-T0 in the actual game (it's high time someone took care of that-the only characters that cannot enter stealth mode in the original game are the Remote, T3 and HK, and while it makes sense for T3 and the Remote, since they're utility droids, it's a mystery why HK cannot use stealth, since he's a goddamn ASSASSIN DROID!).
If you want to find out more about the changes I've made to each character, you can view them in detail by checking the readme's located in the "readme's" folder.

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Really cool mod, love the buffs, just worried about them being too overpowered. Running your Enhanced Enemies- Peragus mod which is quite a challenge, actually had to bring down the difficulty to normal to make it doable XD currently dealing with sith assassins which are quite a pain.  The party buffs kinda even out the difficulty increase, hence why im worried once i get out of peragus that they are going to be OP lol. 

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