Everyone starts as a Jedi 1.0.1

   (1 review)

5 Screenshots

About This File

This mod will make it so that when you meet any of your companions who can become jedi, they are the class they would have been already. Like Atton is already a Sentinal, Bao-Dur is already a guardian, and so on. It works really well with SuperSquall's SS Prestige Padawans (https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/ss-prestige-padawans), as that one will make it so that your companions will have something to turn into when it comes time in the story. It also adds a few custom items that will be on your companions when you get them. This will also make Handmaiden, and Disciples names their real ones(at least it should).

Installation: Just put all of the files into your override folder and you should be good.

Uninstall: Just remove all of the files that are in this folder.

TSLCRM Compatible: Yes

IMPORTANT: You will need to do a complete restart in order to get Atton for this, for the other ones it just has to be before you get them in your party.

Credits: You can use this mod if you give me credit for my work, that includes you can just grab my items and make your own item pack.
Credit goes to SuperSquall for the base of bao dur's uniform which will be on Bao-Dur when you get him on Telos

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog

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It's not so much a review, as it is a comment. I like the idea. But, I don't like some of the Jedi class choices for the game. Sorry.

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