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About Kotor Scripting Tool


Kotor Scripting Tool is my attempt at a scripting interface for nwnnsscomp.exe.

I originally designed this tool to aid me in my scripting efforts back in the day. My desire was to create a scripting tool with some of the creature comforts that today's coders have come to expect. The core features that were important for me were the ability to have NWScript function name Auto Completion and Syntax Highlighting. If anyone is interested in helping to extend its functionality be sure to check out the link to the GItHub repo below.

Anyways that's enough rambling for now!

Happy Modding!


Features include:
Compile .nss Scripts
Syntax highlighting
AutoComplete Suggestions (Beta)
Tabbed Text Editor
Advanced Find & Replace
Browsable nwscript function list
Browsable nwscript constants list


Zip Archive
Download and extract the zip file. Once extracted navigate to the directory and run Kotor Scripting Tool.exe


This program was compiled in C# with version 4.0 of the .NET Framework if you do not already have it downloaded you will need to download it [here].


The source code has been released on my GitHub account https://github.com/KobaltBlu/KotOR-Scripting-Tool.


What's New in Version v0.1.5.0   See changelog


  • v0.1.5.0
  • * Changed to a different version of nwnnsscomp.exe.
  • * You no longer need either game installed to compile scripts.
  • * You can now change the tab spacing from 2 spaces to 4 spaces.
  • v0.1.4.0
  • * Fixed a bug that was causing the program to crash on Windows XP.
  • v0.1.3.1
  • * Fixed a bug where functions with lower case names like the math functions "acos" and "sin" were not displayed correctly in the functions list (Total functions affected 11)
  • * The Functions and Constants lists are now automatically sorted alphabetically by name.
  • v0.1.3.0
  • *Added preliminary AutoComplete capability for function suggestions as you type.
  • *As AutoComplete is still kind of buggy I added a button in the Options menu to turn off AutoComplete functionality.
  • *Added the ability to set KotOR Scripting Tool as the default application for .nss & .ncs files
  • *Added more documentation.
  • *If you choose Find or Find and Replace the "Find What" field will now be populated with your current selection.

Release 0.1.5.zip

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User Feedback

Recommended Comments

This looks pretty cool, and *seems* to work just fine, however, not quite sure whether it is compiling at all.


Either it is compiling some place else other than the same directory as the source file, or, when it compiles the file it is not saving it with the NCS file extension and overwriting the original NSS source file instead. You need to fix this as it would make the scripting tool far better than the one as found in KoTOR tool.


Some other suggestions:


  • Have an alternate icon for compiled script files to help differentiate the two -- will help negate the situation where you accidentally drag the source file into the override folder instead of the compiled file.
  • Change the name of your program as far as start menu directory and such to say: "KOTOR Scripting Tool" or "KOTOR Tool Suite" if you really do intend to add further tools. Why? I'm gonna rename it anyway as I don't want to be searching later on for it and not being able to find it because it isn't named clearly ;).
  • Better tab functionality. Not sure how you've got it set up but it needs to use twice the space(s) it does now; also, if I hit return, it should auto tab indent to the right spot instead of requiring me to manually tab it in.
  • I'd change the default new script template to add commented areas, to indicate one clear area for declaring variables, maybe another for includes. Why? I'm sick of looking at code that has variables declared all over the place, and this will help people adopt better scripting practices to aid readability.
  • Insert-able code snippets for basic things like if statements, loops, etc. I know, it seems a bit pointless but not everyone is as familiar with the syntax and it saves you having to look it up every time you jump back into scripting.
  • Lastly, not everyone likes looking at a page of white. Maybe provide the option of an alternate color scheme for scripts -- like a dark blue background (or DeadlyStream dark grey) with the syntax highlighting colors changed to work against this.


Really like the tool, as the plain black text on the white background basic functionality of KoTOR Tool's script editor makes it a real pain to edit a script. A pity that it doesn't compile correctly. If it did, I suspect you would have gotten more votes along with more downloads ;).

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