Blog #10 - Picking a voice to read text in my documentary

Sith Holocron


This is one of my blogs that I won't be putting in my status updates, so congratulations if you've found it!


For my upcoming M4-78 "documentary", one of the topics I'll be covering is Team Bantha's attempt at doing a M4-78 mod. The main portion of that section will be Pavlos' excellent M4-78 Post Mortem article.


I'm not British but apparently Pavlos is. I thought hiring a voice actor might be an interesting way to present someone else's written work. An advantage to this would be that viewers will (easily) know when I'm stopping the article to explain certain things - when they hear the voice has changed from English accented man to an American voice.


Here's where you can help. I'll likely be hiring the voice actor from Listen to the actors that do male adult British voices and give me your opinion on which of them might best suit the article I linked to above!


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I believe I've found the person I wish to record the Post Mortem article. I'll let you know how it turns out in a few days when I receive the sound file.

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What I've received for the "Pavlos" voice over sounds good.  As I like what I received, I might expand the use of professional voice overs.  The next to be voiced: Darth InSidious!  Any suggestions for male voice actors to be used from would be appreciated.

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