Blog #1 - The "Black Mesa Source" modders discuss voice acting

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Sith Holocron


I was thinking about voice overs earlier today and was wondering why I've never posted a blog before. It seems like the two things might go together.


This first entry is likely to be very exciting as it mostly relies on a link to an outside source. An admission, this is mostly copied word for word from a post I made over at Lucas Forums.


Those that follow Half-Life at all might be familiar with the Black Mesa Source mod. The concept was to redo the first Half Life 2 game engine using the latest Source engine. (I believe the last engine mentioned was the one right before Portal 2 but they may have started using that one for all I know.)


Over at SteamCast (now renamed to SteamChat due to legal problems), they've posted a podcast with some of the voice actors for that mod. If you start listening at about the 20 minute mark, you'll hear some interesting takes on voice acting and some tips as well.


Here's a link to an archive of the relevant SteamChat podcast.


Don't worry - I'll get better at this sort of thing in the future.

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Unfortunately, the link is dead and I no longer have that podcast. It's a shame because it was a pretty good one for budding voice actors should listen to.

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