Merging Levels



Merging Levels

So I got distracted while fixing some holes in the level geometry for Manaan and realised some of the games levels could be easily combined into one.

Currently I am not sure what I plan to do with this but these are the three levels I have put together.


Endar Spire


This actually needed a little editing to get it to fit properly, but it was very close to being perfect when imported to begin with.


Taris Sewers


This level also needed a little editing but it was easy enough to line up both halves of the level.


Manaan - East & West Central


These two levels are in exactly the right position when imported, however the joining room needed editing quite a bit to make everything work and look right.


I have Manaan and the Endar Spire working in-game, I am just having a little bit of trouble getting one of the roomlinks to work on the Endar Spire and I have only just put together the Taris Sewers level.


While I am no sure how many levels could be fit together like this, there are quite a lot for which it just wouldn't work.


To think, all I set out to do in the first place was add in the missing room to Manaan's Hotel...




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