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Entry #2: "And. Here. We. Go."

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Ferc Kast


Heh. One of my favorite moments in the Dark Knight trilogy. Anyways...Like one of my IRL friends, I'm really not one for receiving presents; but...I do enjoy giving them. So, as an inverse birthday present, I'm repackaging some of my mods to upload / update them here with new previews and consistent readme formatting. I started last night with updating "Clothed Beginning", and hope to get more of them uploaded /  updated soon.

Unfortunately, I lost most of my original preview images for mods, so I had to make new ones for use in redesigning my website. And I decided, despite recent events, to start uploading my mods on Steam Workshop too. But, because of how they handle installing mods, it'll mostly be the ones that don't involve 2da files to avoid compatibility issues. To start, I uploaded "Clothed Beginning" there last night. Both copies of that now have the same screenshots, readmes, and preview images.

Here is my modding plate right now:

  • Redesign my website
  • Upload mods here and Steam (new readmes / previews for consistency)
  • Work on a few mod projects (nothing ready to announce just yet)
  • Update a few mods, including Clothed Beginning (to hopefully fix the bug with Atton / Kreia not acknowledging the player being clothed) and Playable Twileks.
  • Light Side Points 2
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