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Breaking Kotor Balance, Not quite as smart as I thought




So after downloading K1 and TSL difficulty Option 1.0

And setting the difficulty on "Horror" I've come to realize it might be a bit impossible.


Oh and because that wasn't hard enough, I used the Kotor Saved Editor, latest edition, to make my character 100% soldier without any force powers!

So that means no force heal, no op force lightning, no Insanity, and no FORCE IMMUNITY.


I've got to rely on mines, explosive ordnance, my wits, companions, armor, upgraded blasters, manipulating LOS (Line Of Sight) and not picking a fight with everyone i run into.


On medpacks alone i've spent over 7,000 I'm sure of it, I've bought somewhere between 100-120 standard medpacks, 50 advanced, and 40 lifepacks ish.


An additional handicap I've placed is that none of my companions can have force heal or Force Drain!


I am a grunt. No use of lightsabers either. So nothing OP in regards to deflecting bolts or slicing up enemies in 1 swipe.


However, just to make it fair. I've added a few blaster mods, such as Revanator's Admiral Karath Pistol mod, Jagga Fett Items, and some RedHawke armor mods.

Still life ends up being something like this... Any battle could end in defeat. Enemies use grenades, and kill me in 1 to 4 rounds,


So if you are ever bored with Kotor? Try not playing as a jedi, try not being Revan. Be a soldier, be a Scout, be a Scoundrel, Pimp out the difficulty! And go hard!


Because, well you might find yourself kissing the ground repeatedly, Cursing the moment you began to walk the path of grunt.


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