Blog #16 - When Responding to a Big Update/Post . . .

Sith Holocron


Just say a modder has - after some period of time - posted a sizable update to one of his/her projects. Something like this . . .


Hello, all.


It has been some time, since I last updated, but here is some of my progress.


Firstly, thank you [insert person here] for your help with the [insert issue here]. Here are a few shots of the new and better (in my opinion) [insert planet picture here]




Please note that I've resized the [insert issue here] for an improved appearance.


I have the following [insert part of the project here] done but I still have to complete [insert part of the project here] so that may take some time.


So, that's the extent of the things I can show you, but I'm really close to having certain mods updated, like [insert part of the project here].


I have a lot of things to start work on, like the different [insert rest of the project here], as well as a few storyline mods that I will announce when I have something done. I will post up more progress once I have a bunch more screenshots.

In your excitement, you may have felt the need to quote the original poster's entire post. You don't need to do that because that modder's post is still in the thread. The readers don't need to read it twice.


However, if you wish to leave a comment on a particular part, then trim the quote down to that specific part. For example . . .


Hey random modder, I love what you've done with the Scooby Snack box texture. It makes so much more sense as a Girl Scouts cookie box in the plot of the story plus that detail work - just wow!

The quote now has a targeted response. The author has also received constructive criticism - enabling him/her to know what works in the update/mod (and perhaps what doesn't).


Thanks for listening.


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