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Bao-Dur's return to Citadel Station

This is a piece of cut content that was not restored in TSLRCM. This feature is probably unnecessary thus why it was cut, for anyone who is interested this blog will read out how this section of cut content was going to play out (I may, at times, need to guess what was going to happen to make this make sense as this is content clearly unfinished).    In Vanilla and TSLRCM, Bao Dur found the location of Atris' academy through a computer terminal on the landing pad. Through the terminal,




Bao Dur's Extended Intro [Help Wanted]

Kotor 2 is riddled with cut content, while TSLRCM restores most content and other big projects like M4-78EP restores their respective content there is still a small handful of cut content still hanging around and this one I will be discussing may or may not be known as commonly as let's say the GenoHaradan.   Recently, I discovered some cut lines for Bao Dur's intro that indicate that this was going to be different than how it goes in Vanilla/TSLRCM. As always, I cannot restore this original i




N-DReW25's Disciple and the Holocron's Idea's

This topic has been discussed a million times over during the years and each topic has been concluded with "There isn't enough content to restore it and would be custom content" and no one has taken up the challenge of making this a reality. This blog is an idea made by me on how a custom content Disciple Holocron mod should play out.   Before I begin with the actual idea for those who don't know what I am referring to once the Disciple was a Jedi a female Exile and he would find Holocrons and




The Sith Lords Restoration Project Videos

Welcome to my first blog. This blog will contain the video's I will be making of Gameplay from The Sith Lords Restoration Project or TSLRP. These videos will specifically be about the Content not seen in TSLRCM or is different in TSLRCM.   For more information about TSLRP visit the following threads   What TSLRP sought to restore- http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5584-what-tslrp-sought-to-restore/?hl=tslrp   TSLRP Post Morterm- http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/5596-tslrp-not-quite-a-

