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Assault Korriban Academy

Assault Korriban Academy

In early 2021, the concept of an aggressive and alternate path into the Korriban Academy was conceived.  What if you could charge in lightsabers ignited and guns blazing into Korriban? Especially Post Events of the Leviathan (PEL)!  CONCEPT QUESTIONS: What if there was a Darkside & Lightside routes of assault to Korriban Temple? Would you subjugate it as a Sith defeating Master Uthar and usurping his authority or would you recruit him as your pawn? This latter option led to th




Android Modding Installation (Pseudo) Guide

Pseudo Guide to Installing Mods on Android. By jc2.   Part 1: What I Can Teach You. Texture mods are your bread and butter. Let's go through 3 popular texture mods from deadlystream and install them.  Dark Hope's HD Twi'lek Female < https://deadlystream.com/files/file/982-hd-twilek-female/> This type of mod is a Retexture mod, because it retextures vanilla assets. Retextures are simple, unzip (find a program that can unzip) and go into your kotor folder create




Modding Checkup (Sept 2019)

Since  JCarter426 made a blog about it, I'm going to do it. Cannot let my freeloading identity of jc2 go to waste! With further ado, much further. I offer you a warm welcome to what my colleague calls a "mod round up," which actually is a decent title, albeit a bit boring. *shot fired* Here is my equally as mediocre attempt at informing whatever public audience I might have about the status of my mods. Welcome to jc2's Modding CHECKUP - EXTRAVAGANZA !   Alright, it's bee




Lehon Mandalorian Expansion Gameplay Trailer

Welcome! I'm not necessarily proud, but excited to share a gameplay trailer I worked on. I hope it gives you a visual understanding of what to expect from LME, of course, about 60% of the mod isn't included in the trailer, simply becuase it would have dramatically increased the trailer's time.  But to reiterate, LME seeks to create an altered main quest, that forms a triangular effect. Side with Mandalorian Faction, defeat both Rakatan Factions. Side with the One, Black Rakata, faction




Where the Wookiees At *TSL*

In TSL, there are no wookiees, except for a single angry Wookiee...   I'm fairly certain if you have that infamous NPC Overhaul you may run into a few more, but there are no important wookiee characters. In K1, there's an entire planet of them.   I'm not suggesting porting Kashyyyk to TSL, but it would be interesting to see wookiees show up as a sidequest or potential companion interaction. For instance, if you had Hanharr mabye you'd run across some wookiees on Nar Shaddaa, either free t




From Now On....

Every mod I've created has had one bug or flaw. From its design and finding out how to make things work, all the way to the finished product.   It seems that I will always update my mods at least 2 times before I'm satisfied and haven't cause some1's game to crash.   ========> On that note, thank you for downloading my mods and experiencing this pain with me. <========   I will continue to improve and renovate my mods, but I'm still hitting walls on limitations. I can't script enoug




April Fools Modding

It's a new year....   And April Fools is coming around, so why not start working on an April Fools mod?   Here goes:   A Republic scout walks up to the bartender on Taris after escaping the Sith, and orders a juma juice (that should be a mod, get drunk at the pub, drink the galaxy away!).   He turns to the nearest NPC and clicks away, only to be greeted by a Mandalorian, who quickly remarks, "Ever been hit so hard on the head you lost your memory?.. Didn't happen to me, I was just curiou




Flawed K1 Atton Rand Mod Idea

What if Atton Rand appeared in K1 as a Sith Special Forces operative? What if Revan, ran into one of the deathsquads he was apart of. Were the Jedi responding to their disappearances or was it believed to be merely casualties of war without anyone noticing a pattern?   The idea has already begun to form, can I add a sidequest that allows Revan to investigate missing Jedi who were sent on diplomatic missions to Manaan, or doing research on Tatooine for the Jedi Archives, or captured Jedi sent t




Meet the Clan Leader!

Journal Entry 51 Burk'yc Prudii Two years and five months after Mandalore the Ultimate's demise at the hands of Revan.   This planet has become almost nostalgic. It reminds me of Dxun before the War, back when we trained Mando's in swamps, caves, and rivers. On Dxun some beasts were intelligent, others brainless. Here looks like a Republic recruiting holovid of the "outer rim." Looks can be deceiving, though. Herds of wild Rancor, sea serpents, and savage natives that eat the flesh of their en




Future Plans for Shanilia?

List any bugs here, if you want.   Give any feedback here, if you want.   Insert any random comments here, if you want.   You get where this is going.....   So let's switch over to something new. Shanilia updates may happen after I patch whatever bugs arise. I didn't want to rush production and release more content to Shanila, without first making sure that everything is 100% straightened out. Wait what? You didn't test Shanilia out JC2? No, I did. But bugs can arise and feedback (hopefu




Save Mission/Enslave Zaalbar Mod

I'm so hyped about modding! I've been learning, and smashing my head against the keyboard for three days straight. Hardly even eating... wow... Stayed up to five a.m. two of those days...   Anyways, just wanted to let the community know how thankful I am.   Deadlystream is an amazing place, most people are kind/helpful. The rest I haven't seem to run into yet..... there might be one out there idk. ^^   To anyone who reads this...  





Make Peragus Fun Again! That sounds a little less like it's crossing the line to politics.. but I bet the other line caught your eye   I'm a hardcore enthusiast, so this will increase the difficulty of the Peragus (but that can be reduced by in-game difficulty setting) to a new and fun experience. But for those of us like myself, who live to challenge themselves then this is what you need!   There are Five necessary mods for Peragus, (Note: all of these mods are compatible with TSLRCM) D




Not Another Ad....

REVANATOR'S Improved Korriban Tomb Loot Mod   Ever wonder why the Sith on Korriban were spoken of as near mythical in their prowess of combat and control over the dark side of the force?   Well now you will know. No. . Now you will experience some of their Hate. Some of their Power! And the force shall set you free. Also each item has lost it's dark side restriction, because you are, afterall, Revan, who has walked both the light and the dark side of the force.   Tulak Horde imbued his dar




Most Popular Screenshots On Deadlystream, #ColorConfusion

Exiles and Revans! I present you - THE TOP 25 Screenshots/photos of Deadlystream.com   (only 1 photo per person, so that one person doesn't dominate and so that more of the community can be seen)   The first one! With over 4,000 views, Look to the left of me, is well. Um basic space gear. Useful when you need it. Shiny when you wash it.   Moving on to the 2nd, Bastila Shan with 3767 views. A community favorite coming in second to basic gear... wow guys really? Since when is Bastila less




Breaking Kotor Balance, Not quite as smart as I thought

So after downloading K1 and TSL difficulty Option 1.0 And setting the difficulty on "Horror" I've come to realize it might be a bit impossible.   Oh and because that wasn't hard enough, I used the Kotor Saved Editor, latest edition, to make my character 100% soldier without any force powers! So that means no force heal, no op force lightning, no Insanity, and no FORCE IMMUNITY.   I've got to rely on mines, explosive ordnance, my wits, companions, armor, upgraded blasters, manipulating LOS




Away from Kotor, SWBF2 Modding sites/links

Being a Star Wars fan, I need more Kotor. Even if it means playing SWBF2 mod with a Kotor reskin! Link for that: http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-battlefront-conversion-pack/downloads/kotor-galactic-conquest   Here's a youtube channel that does SWBF2 mods: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcqjNcRr8M-cOpulLTKv4zg More importantly, on each of his videos' have a link to a file downloader for that mod.   This is his master list of Mods: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/qb6qlt2prdypb/SWBF2_M




Underrated Game shattering Mod

Ever felt Kotor 1 was just too easy? You know the 3rd, 4th, or 14th time through?   You might have even felt a bit, just a little bit, like a cheater. I mean come on! We need mods that equip our heroes with Unique looking and OP items. This is necessary, no fault here.   Yet, I couldn't shake the cheeky feeling of cheating. ... SO I checked our wonderful Deadlystream.com SITE! And found this underrated, beautiful tapestry of a Mod.  




jc2 Advertisement of Revanator's Mod

What is Revanator's Differentiated Mod?   It is an immersive companion mod that extends the dialogue with the Rodian on the Leviathan   WHY would I* want this?   Because, it adds to the immersion of Kotor1. Your companions not only have a cutscene originally of how they got onto the Leviathan but now have their own dialogue options! No other mod out there, does this to the Leviathan. So it is completely compatible with nearly everything!   More Importantly, it adds characterization to R

