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It's a blog about gaming and stuff

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Still Vibrating... BZzz... BZzzz...

Still Vibrating... BZzz... BZzzz...

I'm still alive and I'm still ViBRaTiNG BZZZZZ! Update coming soon, VERY SOON! Wishing everybody a healthy and happy Xmas & Holly season  Stay safe, wear a mask & social distance or I'll send baby yoda after you  Yes I play Star Wars Online mmo & I have been ripping apart Star Trek Online for the past 4 years. I play with the ToP STO PvP'ers and I run 2 completed fleets (Fed & KDF). So if you are man enuff to be killed by a girl you can find me destroying the dream

Kate The Bionic Uterus

Kate The Bionic Uterus


My Modern Morrowind Build Guide

So this is the only place I have published this guide. I made this guide for my friend Nessa because she has helped me with Fallout 3/V. I am more than happy to answer questions however the best place to ask questions is where the links lead you. Most of the time they will take you to Bethesda Forums. be on your best behaviour over there because they take no crap and will boot you straight out. You can find me there as ktbu. Guess what that stands for?   ***this is copied from a private P

Transcending the Future

The history of community forums, the birth internet poker and the future of modding.   I have a few unfinished blog entries; Security part 2, Wookies VS Bigfoot, Dianogas' Vegetarian resto-compactor investor prospectus,... Ok so some of those are not true but I am seriously thinking about them now! So keeping those unfinished blog entries hidden for now, I have decided to write about something else that has been on my mind for a few years now. Lucky you...   I really wanted to write

False Sense of Security part 1

When it comes to internet security everybody has an opinion. However few really know what is actually happening. That is because there is so much misinformation being put out there on purpose that people just don't know how to filter it. The question here in this blog entry is, "Where do I start?"   The primary way the NSA eavesdrops on Internet communications is in the network. That's where their capabilities best scale. They have invested in enormous programs to automatically collect and an

You have discouvred Kate the Bionic Uterus' Vibrating Submarine! Enjoy the ride XDD

First of all let me start off by saying it has been too long! No really it has been WAY too long. I don't think many people honestly realize how much I love KOTOR 1&2. I grew up watching my older brothers and sister fighting over who was going to play it next. I was just happy watching them play. I remember when my eldest brother allowed me to play his character the first time. It is bringing a tear to my eyes as I type this. Ya it is that emotional for me... So when I tell you that I love t

Kate The Bionic Uterus

Kate The Bionic Uterus

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