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Workaround for the limited number of body model slots in KOTOR and TSL

Trying to add multiple additional player armor models in KOTOR and TSL almost always results in a mod conflict due to the limited number or body model slots/columns in appearance.2da and the game not recognizing new columns added to the table. Few mods, such as Jedi Hermit Robes by DarthParametric add new robes as disguises, but from what I’ve seen this method is not popular, because it requires creating .uti file and additional line in appearance.2da for each possible player/party member h




Interesting obscure mods for TSL

Over the years, a large number of mods have been created for TSL. While most of the useful and/or still relevant mods are available in the Download sections of DeadlyStream and Nexus (currently most popular Kotor I-II modding resources as far as I know), some of them are not and thus have become lesser-known, rare or even obscure. I have seen many old mods of varying quality and made notes about interesting ones in the list-reminder. This list can be useful for people, who are tired of thei



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