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Looking for a texture name.

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So I recently installed Kotor 1, and have modded it with various texture enhancements, as we all do, but have encountered an overlap that is really bugging me.

So the animated map screen on the endar spire, PLC_map01, it has a glass texture attached to the plane of glass. what is the filename of that glass? Mine is now neon yellow and making the animation of the map hard to look at whenever I play through the tutorial, even after deleting PLC_map01.

Any help would be appreciated.


Edited by Merrkal

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The texture is PLC_map01. There is no "glass", not unless you are using a modified version of the placeable (PLC_EndS.mdl/mdx). The vanilla placeable is just a simple double-sided plane using self-illum and a tiny bit of mesh alpha with a texture that has an alpha mask and the blending additive TXI semantic.

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Figured it out.

It's tied into THIS mod that I installed as well, causing some weird interactions with the reflections or something as it changes the cube map for the entire area.

Thanks for the help!

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