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Guest Dark_Ansem

[TSL]Monsters casting spells + Special abilities tab

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Guest Dark_Ansem

2 main questions in this thread:


What is that "special qualities" tab used in KotorTool Creture editor used for? can the abilities listed there be modified-expanded? if so how?


can I make a "spellcasting" monster by giving it powers and a force point pool even if I set its class to "minion"?

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Guest HaVoKeR

i guess it all can be done through .2da editing, mainly classes.2da, but it will affect all monster, what about, changing the minion class? you can also create a new class... also, if you have an ai mod like improved ai, i guess if you put fp in a minion and change its behaviour to jedi (is there a way of doing it?) anyway, i'm no the best one to answer the behaviour thing.

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Guest Dark_Ansem

that is good enough as a start :D thanks


what about this "special qualities" tab? someone says it's a leftover from NWN, and they're probably right, but I can't find any corresponding script nor where they are listed, in order to add more (it could be a workaround?)

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Guest Canderis

The special abilities tab has no use. And you can't give classes force abilities from the classes.2da/

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