
TSLPatcher annoyances - Amending a UTPs name.

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Hey guys, 

I've been trying to edit a UTP file to have an alternate name, when I edit the file with Kotor Tool and place the file within the Override and test the Placeables name within the game it shows the correct name. I then use the configuration tool for the TSLPatcher to compare and modify the file with the vanilla file and then run the TSLPatcher exe file, when the UTP file has been edited the name of the UTP file becomes blank. So strange, this is the changes.ini info: 

LocName(lang0)=Mandalorian Warrior Remains

In all fairness I could go down the route of bonding the new name with the dialog.tlk via the below lines within changes.ini: 


But I was wondering if there's a work around. To not have to go through the route of either just replacing the UTP file without having to compare and add modifiers to the file via TSLPatcher just literally replacing the file, or to have to attach the new name through the dialog.tlk file. I'm wondering if there's some magic to edit the changes.ini file :D

Thanks all!

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