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Has anyone fixed the NEGATIVE Str Damage variable with Master Power Attack when you score a X4 Crit?

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Away with your weapon, I mean you no harm.  I just try to get the "Fart" screen name anywhere I sign up to as it is surprising, usually, available.


My query is this, in my past playthroughs of Kotor 2 (TSL) I've encountered an annoying damage bug when using MASTER POWER ATTACK combined with Master Speed, which gives you 4 attacks, 4X critical damage, combined with the other STR boosting skills: Master Valor, Master Battle Med, Master Fury and of course a Hyper Adrenaline Shot: Stength.

The bug always seems to happen on a Critical Hit once you can achieve x4 damage with the  crit.


YET, once your strength bonus damage reaches a certain point, it goes from 124 points of damage to -124 points of damage, which I am positive is some bug the original coders never checked nor imagined people stacking strength enough would encounter.  That's kinda the way I play, is try and figure out how to get those big red numbers as one cool thing about Kotor 2 is even if you do enough damage to kill something with a massive crit on the first hit, the game code still generates 3 additional hits and you see even more damage numbers.

I've also found you can get bigger and better crits going with a double blade saber and focus on boosting the max damage base value as much as possible.


Here are a couple of screen shots from my last playthrough which show exactly what I am trying to explain.  Its looks like here I am in the Shyraak caves on Korribon and I'm using so much strength gear and started with 18 strength that the damage equation is clearly broken and causes you to do A LOT less damage than you should be.


As you can see here, I get a massive critical for 362 damage,  (0.jpg)

then here is the damage breakdown in the combat window (1.jpg)

Here are my char stats when got the 362 damage crit, think the cause is when strength increases from 53 to 54. (2.jpg)

So next is an attack once I put on another piece of gear that raised my strength to 54, yet look at the combat log, -124  (3.jpg)

and lastly, just another screenshot showing my strength raised from 53 to 54, which is where the damage calculation breaks.  (4.jpg)


So that's my question!  Has this damage bug ever been fixed or even brought to the attention of the deadlystream mod crew?   Is it something that even CAN be fixed with a mod?  Based on my limited coding skills, it has to be just a few lines of codes that need to be tweaked, to not produce NEGATIVE damage from the strength modified part of the equation.  

Also I've noticed as you continue to raise your strength, the negative amount goes down from -124,  -120,  -112, - 108, -96, -88 but then at some point then goes BACK UP to a reduced amount of POSITIVE 36. POSITIVE 40, POSITIVE 48, then POSITIVE 56


It's also not limited to the main character, I've been able to reproduce the damage bug even once your turn Atton to a Jedi!  (2 screenshots included)


Well I hope this is enough info to get a few of you curious, of course if this hasn't been addressed yet, and it should be pretty reproducible even if you need to rely on the save game editor to get any jedi skills that increase strength, the big strength stim and as much strength boosted gear as possible.


Thanks in advance to my concerns!
















Edited by Fart

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Well I started a new playthrough with all of the current mods, updates etc.  I never utilized the new HD texture packs and 1080p movies, it makes for a much more enjoyable playthrough.


I've pinpointed the problem and it is not just with Master Power Attack but the combination with Shien lightsaber form.  The one that gives you an extra +1 Critical multiplier.  Something in the math is really wrong when you start using Shien along with Master Speed and Master Fury and score a critical hit.  The very moment any critical hit jumped from x3 multiplier to x4 multiplier, the NEGATIVE Strength bonus started to appear.


What I am going to attempt to do is compile all of the data and chart the negative strength bonus as your strength continues to increase.  For increased accuracy, I am using a mod I found on nexus mods that gives some impressive bonus to XP earned and I'll try to chart and compile the issue all the way up to level 50 so a table can be completed.


At this posting I am almost close to getting my strength bonus to 128 even with the x3 crit hits using Master Power Attack and the Makashi light saber form.  It will be interesting to see if the math bug can be reproduced even with x3 crit damage.  x4 crit damage with shien is clearly broken so there is no point right now for me to continue to using it.

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Never encountered that before, but it sounds like an overflow error. Unfortunately the core combat math isn't something that can be edited with modding tools, that stuff's hardcoded into the exe.

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