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Re-skinning an article of clothing

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Unsure of where this should go, so I stuck it here. Is it possible to re... color (I guess) the Miner's Uniform in KoTOR2 using only KSE and the KoTOR Tool ? I wanna change it from that awful vomit green and rotten blue to... anything really.

I noticed that KoTOR Tool has options for palette change and a few other options that would seemingly change the color of something; but when I fiddled with it regarding the Miner's Uniform, it presented an error message when I tried to add the modded/saved file via KSE.  Help me please. 

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@DarthParametric thank you for your quick response. Basically, unless I wanna up my modding game from the fundamentals of simply editing an item's properties or editing my PC's inventory, I'm stuck with a uniform the color of... sickness ?

How difficult (relatively speaking) is it to use any of those applications to do what I want, to simply change the Miner's Uniform to a color scheme similar to K1's "Republic Armor" or some such ?

Edited by Danieladius

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Depends entirely on the specifics of what you want. A simple colour switch from one solid colour to another is relatively straightforward, at least in PS (and I assume Gimp has similar functionality). If you want patterns and so forth then it starts to become more complex. You could also edit the item to switch it to a different base armour model, if that might get you closer to what you want. Although that obviously adds a whole extra layer of complexity.

If you think that doing it yourself is too much, you can always make a post asking for someone else to do it in the Mod Requests forum.

  • Light Side Points 1

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

The first time I fiddled with clothing, was modifying a Jedi robe.

When I loaded the texture into PdN, I was a little confused by what I saw... a 2d texture for a 3d model looks a little weird, and pieces are cut at different places. This you are likely already aware of.

What I did at that time was just started putting numbers on the skin, in bright yellow. Numbers were placed in a grid  fashion, 1-??? ascending left-to-right top- to-bottom. I then loaded in game and saw a weird looking coat, but I knew what part of the skin ended up where.

I did release this as a modders resource somewhere. Not particularly useful I suppose, but anyways that is one way to approach any weird parts of the skin you are working with.

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