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Guest bendarby24

KOTOR Screen Shots?

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Guest bendarby24

Hello everyone.  You all know me as a guy who makes a lot of screen shots for KotOR 2 (TSL).  Right now, I'm doing a modification for KotOR 1 and I have never done screen shoots in that game.  I thought it would be just like in KotOR 2 but I could not find them after I attempted it.  Might someone be able to walk me through how to take a screen shot in TSL?  Please?

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Ho Bendarby. I think the best way to describe it has been covered elsewhere on the net in a manner better than I could describe it. That being the case, I'll just quote the man himself.


Aeon says:

How to get clean (HUD-free) screenshots in KotOR?


In your KotOR games folder there is a configuration file called "swkotor.ini". You will need to edit in a text editor. In that file under the "[Game Options]" line add two more lines: "EnableScreenShot=1" and "GUIsInScreenShot=0" (without quotes), save the changed file (I hope you backupped it prior to editing!). Run KotOR, during the game hit the Print-key (to the right of the F12-key). This will create a clean, HUD-free screenshot of your on-screen action in tga format.

Note: This will *not* work for any cut-scenes or bink movies shown in the game!


Tip: This will also work when you pause combat action with Space.


For screenshot information during cutscenes on BIK movies, go here.


Good luck!

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