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Guest Strider

Restoration Mod?

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Guest Strider

Hi I'm looking for the much-vaunted Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords Restored Content mod that was produced here a few years ago, but all the links I've found lead to a non-existent thread. So, does anyone know where I can get it now?

Help appreciated

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

... unless you're referring to the old project from Team Gizka. That one never got finished (although a copy of some beta-version once floated around in the depths of the internet, but I never got it working ;)).

TSLRCM is the one that got finished and is still beeing improved all the time and this site here is actually dedicated to it. As Sith Holocron pointed out, there's a download-link to the most recent version (1.7) on the main page.

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