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Does anybody know about blocking damage with energy shields?

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Going by this post in Lucasforums, is the below chart correct for K1?

Damage type             Constant value  (in hex)    (in Binary)
----------------------- --------------  --------    --------------
Bludgeoning             1               0x0001      0000000000001
Piercing                2               0x0002      0000000000010
Slashing                4               0x0004      0000000000100
Universal (all)         8               0x0008      0000000001000
Unstoppable (disruptor) 16              0x0010      0000000010000
Cold                    32              0x0020      0000000100000
Electrical              64              0x0040      0000001000000
Light side              128             0x0080      0000010000000
Fire                    256             0x0100      0000100000000
Dark side               512             0x0200      0001000000000
Sonic                   1024            0x0400      0010000000000
Ion                     2048            0x0800      0100000000000
Blaster                 4096            0x1000      1000000000000

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