
Help Adding Items to Onderon Museum

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I'm making on mod that will distribute the crytals added by this mod throughout the game. I want to add a few of them to the Onderon Palace Museum but when I look in the RIM for the palace there are no placables... at all. Is the museum loot handled by a script or something?

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You're not looking in the right place. There are a bunch of placeables, including some invisible ones used for the Force items. They do use an OnUsed script to give the items to the player though, k_mus_treasure:

void main() {
	if (GetTag(OBJECT_SELF) == "mu_treasure1")
			CreateItemOnObject("a_robe_21", GetFirstPC(), 1);
	if (GetTag(OBJECT_SELF) == "mu_treasure2")
			CreateItemOnObject("a_gloves_12", GetFirstPC(), 1);
	if (GetTag(OBJECT_SELF) == "mu_treasure3")
			CreateItemOnObject("u_l_crys_18", GetFirstPC(), 1);
	if (GetTag(OBJECT_SELF) == "mu_treasure4")
			CreateItemOnObject("u_l_colo_09", GetFirstPC(), 1);
	SetGlobalNumber("506OND_MuseumThief", 1);

So adding extra items is just a matter of editing the script and adding in some extra CreateItemOnObject instances for one or more of the placeables.

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