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The audio files of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords (KOTOR) contain extra headers of what seem to be superfluous data that obfuscate access to the original audio outside of the video games. Most audio software will refuse to open the files, or interpret the extra bytes as audio data, leading to glitches. It has also been observed anecdotally that files lacking an appropriate header may fail to playback in certain releases of the games.

SithCodec is an application that can automatically detect and remove an extraneous header from a KOTOR audio file, or alternatively prepend a KOTOR header to a standard audio file and allow for the introduction of new audio content to these games.

Running SithCodec

  • SithCodec requires Windows (32-bit or 64-bit).
  • Make sure to extract SithCodec to a folder where you have read & write permission.
  • The code is not signed (because code signing costs an extortionate amount of money) so your firewall may warn you about running an unrecognized application.

Commands in SithCodec are executed by combining keywords into certain command sequences that the application recognizes. Input may be passed as command-line arguments when SithCodec is launched, or entered manually through a command- line interface if the application is launched without any command-line arguments.

Keywords may be entered in short form (dash followed by a single letter) or long form (double dash followed by a full word).

SithCodec keywords are not case sensitive, butdepending on your operating systemother data that you input may be, such as the names of files.

Help Screen

Entering -h or --help will display the help screen, showing a list of all keywords and their function.

    -d, --decode                decode audio
    -e, --encode                encode audio
    -f, --format                set output audio format
    -m, --music                 streammusic format
    -s, --sfx                   streamsounds format
    -v, --vo                    streamwaves/streamvoice format
    -a, --all                   all files
    -l, --list                  list files & formats
    -i, --in                    input path
    -o, --out                   output path
    -h, --help                  display this menu
    -c, --commands              display list of commands
    -x, --examples              display example commands
    -q, --quit                  exit application

Commands Screen

Entering -c or --commands will display a screen with the list of all valid commands.

    -d -i=[input path]
    -d -i=[input path] -o=[output path]
    -d -a
    -d -a -i=[input path]
    -d -a -o=[output path]
    -d -a -i=[input path] -o=[output path]
    -e -f -[format] -i=[input path]
    -e -f -[format] -i=[input path] -o=[output path]
    -e -a -f -[format]
    -e -a -f -[format] -i=[input path]
    -e -a -f -[format] -o=[output path]
    -e -a -f -[format] -i=[input path] -o=[output path]
    -l -i=[input path]
    -l -o=[output path]
    -l -i=[input path] -o=[output path]

Examples Screen

Entering -x or --examples will display some example commands.

Encode all files in SFX format from the input path, to the output path:

    -e --all -f --sfx- -i=in_folder -o=out_folder

 Decode a file, outputting to a new file:

    -d -i=oldfile.old -o=newfile.new

Decode a file without specifying output, possibly overwriting the original:

    -d -i=file.wav

List all files & formats in a given directory, printing to the console:

    -l -i=my_folder

List all files & formats in the current directory, printing to a file:

    -l -o=file.txt

Batch Files

SithCodec comes with batch files that are set up with commands for some common operations.

This file will decode all files located in a folder called "in" (no matter what their format) and save the new files in a folder called "decoded".

This file will encode all files located in a folder called "in" and save the new files in a folder called "music".

This file will encode all files located in a folder called "in" and save the new files in a folder called "sfx".

This file will encode all files located in a folder called "in" and save the new files in a folder called "vo".


SithCodec is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

SithCodec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SithCodec. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

All trademarks (including logos and icons) are used for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners.

Star Wars and related items are trademarks and/or copyrights of Lucasfilm Ltd. SithCodec is not affiliated with or endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd., their subsidiaries, associates, or employees, or any Star Wars license holder.


If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal with this donation link.

For various legal and ethical reasons, this is entirely optional and is not a requirement to downloading or using any of my mods. I also do not create specific mods for hire.

I make mods as a hobby and will most likely do so regardless of any donations or lack thereof, but modding does take up a lot of my time and every bit helps.


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