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Guest milestails

Star Wars Republic Commando opinion?

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Guest milestails

I've always been interested in Star Wars Republic Commando so I downloaded the demo and played through it today. It was a mission where you land on Kashyyyk, attempt to rescue Tarfful, and encounter General Grievous at the end. I thought it was just okay; there are better first person shooters out there. It was just the demo, however.


It is currently $9.99 on Steam and Direct2Drive. I've read that it is a short campaign with limited multiplayer. The visuals are decent though for a game made in 2005.


Is it worth purchasing?

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I'm generally not a big fan of first person shooters, but I did enjoy Republic Commando. The ending was a bit of a letdown since it was very sudden, but I'd recommend it.

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Guest shinsetsuna

I've always been interested in Star Wars Republic Commando so I downloaded the demo and played through it today. It was a mission where you land on Kashyyyk, attempt to rescue Tarfful, and encounter General Grievous at the end. I thought it was just okay; there are better first person shooters out there. It was just the demo, however.


It is currently $9.99 on Steam and Direct2Drive. I've read that it is a short campaign with limited multiplayer. The visuals are decent though for a game made in 2005.


Is it worth purchasing?


Well, I got Republic Commando when I bought the Star Wars: Best of PC box. At the time I think it cost me something under 30 USD, and it has Republic Commando, Jedi Knight 2, Battlefront, Empire at War and the first KotOR. All in all, a pretty good deal. Considering this, I think you should try finding Best of PC before getting it at that price (Unless you already got a lot of the games that come in Best of PC and dont want "repeat discs")


About Republic Commando, the big selling point of the game is the squad. So much of the game revolves around using your squad effectively, so if in the demo you liked the squad function, youll probably enjoy the game a lot. Or if you didnt like it, itll probably be the opposite. The challenging aspect of the game will always depend on your ability to properly use your squad (Ordering them to do the right things at the right time or in the right order, for instance), and the game will not always make things easy for you


The campaign is indeed very short, but still quite memorable by giving lots of personality to your squad mates (They will have appropriate reactions for pretty much anything thats going on, such as getting praised for racking up lots of kills or getting some flak for blowing yourself up with a grenade) and a fairly interesting story, even if it is brief. As far as weapon variety and enemies, I would say it rates average. Nothing extraordinary, but still good enough that it isnt a turn off. Graphics wise, it wont blow your mind away, but its also not an ugly game. Furthermore, it also means you wont be having "performance issues", which usually comes up in some way or another in games with heavy graphics


Multiplayer, Im afraid youll have to look for someone else to help you in that department, cuz Ive never tried it myself


To conclude, my personal recommendation is that you buy it. Even if the squad system doesnt strike a cord with you, its still a decent enough shooter that your money wont be wasted, especially if you get it with the Best of PC. Unless you are a really hardcore shooter player, in which case if the demo didnt impress you, its a safe bet the full game wont manage it either

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I'm generally not a big fan of first person shooters, but I did enjoy Republic Commando.

Here I thought I was the only one.... on both counts! :P RC was/is the only FPS I can tolerate.

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Here I thought I was the only one.... on both counts! :P RC was/is the only FPS I can tolerate.



Nope, you're not the only one. I generally want a good story out of my games, not just "oh here, let's shoot some stuff for some reason." I didn't even like Jedi Knight II very much...never finished it. However, I have yet to play Bioshock.


But I digress. To be on topic, I would also recommend buying the Best of PC version, though be wary that you may have to struggle with getting some games to work. For me, KOTOR took a little bit of fiddling around with (it stopped crashing and ran fine after I disabled vertex buffer objects) and Empire at War simply refuses to run. Unfortunately, I can't find a fix for it either. But Republic Commando, Jedi Knight II, and Battlefront all work fine.

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Guest bendarby24

i got the best of pc as well it cost me £10 and i love rebublic camondo im in the sol clan the best clan on rebublic commando

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I'm also one for story-over-murder. That's why I prefer RC to most other FPS games. Definitely recommended.

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Guest milestails

Thank y'all for the suggestions. I will probably purchase it within the next few months.


In the meantime, I rediscovered how amazing F.E.A.R. is which led me to purchase it from Direct2Drive for $9.95. Sixteen gigabytes of content (F.E.A.R., F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate) for that price? Couldn't pass it up.

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Guest HK-47

Answer: YES. It's worth the buy. It's not a short campaign. You only have 3 locations (not including Kamino because that's part of the intro), but there are many, many, many missions. The multiplayer isn't limited. It's a great game. Playing it on hard is the most fun. I've gotten so much better from playing on hard.


Exclamation: BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT!


Statement: I don't play multiplayer, but that's because I have too slow of a connection to do so, and folks on there are such douches. Calling me a noob just because I die more than them, or because I use all the weapons that were provided and am having fun and not taking it seriously.


Agreement: I agree with Mandalore, it's one of the best FPS games. BF1 and 2, the Jedi Knight series, SWTFU 1 (2 seems too violent), and Halo are the only FPS games that I'll play that I can think of.


Opinion: I feel that Commando comes in second to Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2, and is on the same level as BF1 and 2 (because one is mass battle, and the other is story focused).

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Guest Plastic

I highly recommend Republic Commando if you are a Star Wars fan.


It was a great game, but ends on a cliff hanger which they haven't picked up again yet. I'm hoping for a sequel. (along with Battlefront 3, a new Jedi knight, etc.)



I have only rented it on xbox, but have finished it, and wouldn't mind buying it.




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Guest Crixler

Play the game, and then read the books. I'm not big on FPS's. At all. But RC is just too cool.

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Guest milestails

Purchased it about a month ago, and I am really enjoying it! Thanks again for the recommendations.

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Guest hkmandalore47

@Plastic: unfortunately, there will be no sequel. there was supposed to be one called Imperial Commando, but that was cancelled years ago.

@HK-47: I only played the Demo and i really like RC. as for best FPS, idk. BF 1 and 2 are mainly 3rd person shooters, but you can switch it to first person. SWTFU isnt even a shooter and its short, but i still like it.


as for the best of PC, i always considered buying it but never got it. is it true that some of the games may have problems? i have the full game of BF1 (on the PS2), and i have EAW Gold Pack, and SWG is shutting down in December. i would really like to play the first KotOR since i dont have it and a full RC would also be what i want in it. JK II would be nice, tho im more interested in the other two.

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Guest Dak Drexl

I've had the best of PC for years... though now I only play kotor, it's still a really great deal for some really great games. I've never had any problem with any of the games either... maybe I should play JKA again...

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Guest shinsetsuna

@Plastic: unfortunately, there will be no sequel. there was supposed to be one called Imperial Commando, but that was cancelled years ago.

@HK-47: I only played the Demo and i really like RC. as for best FPS, idk. BF 1 and 2 are mainly 3rd person shooters, but you can switch it to first person. SWTFU isnt even a shooter and its short, but i still like it.


as for the best of PC, i always considered buying it but never got it. is it true that some of the games may have problems? i have the full game of BF1 (on the PS2), and i have EAW Gold Pack, and SWG is shutting down in December. i would really like to play the first KotOR since i dont have it and a full RC would also be what i want in it. JK II would be nice, tho im more interested in the other two.


Dunno where youve heard that, but Ive installed all games in XP and Windows 7 without any issues. The only exceptions are KotOR, but that was a settings issue which is easily fixed and EAW sometimes crashing on me. Rarely ever happens though


JK II, Im gonna give you a heads up with that game that it can be tricky to learn how to play it, particularly in the lightsaber combat department. It was also rather strange in that the first levels were far more difficult than the later levels (And quite boring too). Its a good game, but you need to bear with it a bit to get to the fun bits. Throwing enemies down bottomless pits never gets old!

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Guest hkmandalore47

Throwing enemies down bottomless pits never gets old!

ahh ive done that many times in TFU and TFU II. anyway the poster before me said he had problems, so i thought there might be some.

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Guest milestails

Just beat the campaign today on hard difficulty.


Overall, it was an amazing gaming experience. I especially liked the soundtrack, and how it was integrated within the flow of the action.


All in all, it is a fantastic game!

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