
[KotOR] NPC Waypoint routine

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While working on manm28aa I noticed how it would seem like the two group of three droids (3 man28_pdroid and 3 man28_pdroid3) should be patrolling the corridor they spawn in. There are in fact two sets of waypoints for each group: WP_01_0x (with x going from 1 to 3) and WP_03_0x (with x going from 1 to 3).

man28_pdroid has k_pdan_patrol9 as spawning script and man28_pdroid has k_pdan_patrol11 as spawning script. But all those droids are just standing where they are spawned so something seems to be wrong there.

Can someone help me out with this?

I first tried to compare to another similar script for droids which had also set the LocalBoolean 36 (Walk waypoints) to 1 and I tried to add it to those faulty scripts but I was unsuccessful. 


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UPDATE: In case anyone may be interested, I think the problem was the faction for the .utc file set to 1. Once I swapped it to 5, the walkpoint pattern worked as intended. The only problem is that the three droids keep bumping into each other in the corridor. I will see if it's possible to eliminate this problem without too much effort otherwise I'll keep it the way it is.

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