Guest Plastic

Star Wars Quote Wars

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Guest Slstoev

You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind until now...until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy. - Obi-Wan before dueling Anakin. RotS

"The chains of the grave cannot hold a Dark Lord of the Sith…"

―Marka Ragnos- Jedi Academy(not re-edited)

P.S.Take that HK-47


"You cannot stop the darkness that is to come"

- Darth Sion, KotOR2

Sorry didn't see you. Here's my reply: The Dark Side shall never consume me!!!!- Darth Nihilus before he could not talk or have to ware a mask. Now It would be more Like- HERA HERA HERA HERA!!!! Blad Dak Sid sha nebe cnsme m!!!! - Copied from Christos K's signature from LF


Now seroiusly:

"Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force." - Obi-Wan Kenobi(Ben) - A New Hope

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Guest hkmandalore47

The dark side is a path to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. - Palpatine to Anakin. RotS

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Guest Slstoev

"My mentor taught me everything about the Force, even the nature of the dark side."

―Palpatine to Anakin Skywalker- ROTS

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Guest HK-47

"The chains of the grave cannot hold a Dark Lord of the Sith…"

―Marka Ragnos- Jedi Academy(not re-edited)

P.S.Take that HK-47


Statement: See my quote on page 5 or 6: Quote: *Jaden Korr's voice* Now, I am a Jedi Kngiht.

*Resurrected Ragnos' voice* Congratulations.

*Jaden* Thanks.

*Ragnos* Now if you will excuse me, I must return. --Jaden and Ragnos: Jedi Academy Re-edited part 3

And he never says that in JA. That was in Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith 2: Funeral for a Dark Lord.


Retort: Take that, Slstoev :P .



Quote: *Kyle's voice* Remember, Force powers are not inherently light or dark, it's how you use them. -Kyle: Jedi Academy.

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Guest hkmandalore47

HK id love for u to hear this: i was playing empire at war yesterday and it was a skirmish battle. i was playing as the empire and the rebels kept making kyle katarn and he would come over to blow up my bunker and then run away. it was funny and i thought of you. then, he got shot by my storm troopers. :P



anyway: "Sometimes, things must be broken in order to be rebuilt. As I have bent the force to my will, so I will bend the galaxy and it will know order. My true work is about to begin." - Darth Krayt, Star Wars: Legacy 1: Broken, Part 1

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Guest bendarby24

throgh victory, my chains are broken - sith code

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Guest HK-47

HK id love for u to hear this: i was playing empire at war yesterday and it was a skirmish battle. i was playing as the empire and the rebels kept making kyle katarn and he would come over to blow up my bunker and then run away. it was funny and i thought of you. then, he got shot by my storm troopers. :P



Agreement: Indeed. I kill Kyle on many occasions, and I'm not talking about just DF2. I lol every time.



Quote: *Uthar's voice* The Force shall free me. -Uthar Wynn: KotOR.

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"So now you are free?"

- Kreia after Atton tells the Exile about his past, KotOR2 (I think I got it right)

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Guest HK-47

"So now you are free?"

- Kreia after Atton tells the Exile about his past, KotOR2 (I think I got it right)


Answer: Close enough. So should be and.


Quote: *Atton's voice* Yeah, so no more threats, no more requests. You and me? We're done! - Atton after he tells the Exile about his past: KotOR 2

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Guest Plastic

Off topic: HK, I just watched through the Jedi Outcast re-edited, and I don't think I have laughed so hard in a long time! Thanks!

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Answer: Close enough. So should be and.


Quote: *Atton's voice* Yeah, so no more threats, no more requests. You and me? We're done! - Atton after he tells the Exile about his past: KotOR 2


Wasn't one of the rules that we couldn't use two quotes from the same conversation?

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Guest HK-47

Off topic: HK, I just watched through the Jedi Outcast re-edited, and I don't think I have laughed so hard in a long time! Thanks!


*out of HK character* You're welcome. When I watched them myself for the first time, I was literally on the floor laughing trying to breathe.


Wasn't one of the rules that we couldn't use two quotes from the same conversation?



Answer: Yes it is. So I'll redo it.


Quote: *Kreia's voice* And unlike the red maned huntress, as long as you are loyal, I shall never show you mercy, no pity. - Kreia to Hanharr: Kotor2

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Guest hkmandalore47

Do what must be done Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Palpatine to the new Lord Vader.

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Guest Plastic

Do what must be done Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Palpatine to the new Lord Vader.



"Jaden, don't do it!" Kyle to Jaden, Jedi Academy

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Guest HK-47

"Jaden, don't do it!" Kyle to Jaden, Jedi Academy


Exclamation: Finally, I have a chance to put this in with no describing the situation.


Statement: I like to think of the Re-edited series to be more of a How it Should Have Happened.


Quote: *Rosh* I'm gonna get you for that! *pulls out a pistol and shoots Alora* -Rosh killing Alora after she cut off his arm: Jedi Academy Re-edited P3

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Guest bendarby24

yes-kyle katarn jedi outcast re-edited - the scene when jyle having a fight with monmath

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Guest HK-47

yes-kyle katarn jedi outcast re-edited - the scene when jyle having a fight with monmath


Statement: One of the best lines.




Quote: *Kyle* Okay, here's the plan. *THUD* UGH!

*Jaden* So what are we going to do? Kyle? KYLE?!

*Kyle* I'm dead.

*Jaden* Oh great. -Kyle and Jaden trapped under a pile of rocks in Vader's chamber: Jedi Academy Re-edited part 2

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"Vaklu, I pronounce you guilty of treason and sentence you to death"

- Queen Talia (I think that's right)

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Guest Plastic

"Vaklu, I pronounce you guilty of treason and sentence you to death"

- Queen Talia (I think that's right)


"Nooooo!!!! *Grimaces with a wierd face* Noooooo!!!!! YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!" Darth Sidious in Episode III


(Seriously, does anyone else chuckle at Palpatine's facial exression when he says that? :P )

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Guest hkmandalore47

"Nooooo!!!! *Grimaces with a wierd face* Noooooo!!!!! YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!" Darth Sidious in Episode III


(Seriously, does anyone else chuckle at Palpatine's facial exression when he says that? :P )

not really.


He will join us, or die. - Vader about Luke. ESB

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Guest HK-47

Quote: *Jaden's voice* Iiiit sssseeemmsss liike iiit gooeess oooonn foorreeevvveeerrr. -Jaden running in Vader's chamber on Vjun in slow motion: Jedi Academy Re-edited P2

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Guest HK-47

Quote: *Jaden's voice* Iiiit sssseeemmsss liike iiit gooeess oooonn foorreeevvveeerrr. -Jaden running in Vader's chamber on Vjun in slow motion: Jedi Academy Re-edited P2


Quote: *Luke speaking hsilgne* So what is your opinion on Jaden's progress, Kyle? Is he good or is he crap?

*Kyle in hsilgne* Well he's as useless as a guitar without strings, frankly. Don't tell him I said this, but I think he's a failure. He's just a whining baby. Leia has more balls than him.

*Luke "* Do you think it's time to tell him he's a robot?

*Kyle "* Soon, but don't tell him he's made from washing machine parts. His circuits might explode.

*Luke "* Well, no doubt he's gonna find out sometime or other, and when he does he's gonna be awfully mad with us.

*Jaden speaking normally* Well, I can't wait around. I've gotta do something.

*Kyle in hsilgne* Why don't you wash some clothes...

*Jaden speaking normally* What are you saying?!

*Kyle speaking normally* Nothing. - Kyle and Luke talking in Hsilgne about Jaden: Jedi Academy Re-edited part 2



Statement: If you didn't figure it out Hsilgne is English backwards. That being the case, record Kyle and Luke's conversation and play it in revers to hear what they're actually saying.

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