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Guest hkmandalore47

So be it, Jedi. - Emperor, before attacking Luke. RotJ

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Guest HK-47

Quote: *Luke's voice* You've retrieved your lightsaber, very.. (Kyle interrupts)

*Kyle's voice* Listens Skywalker, there's even more to this than you think. You know I don't like you. You always smell. And you look like an overgrown Kowakian Monkey-lizard. (Luke stares at Kyle) Good that's settled. -Kyle to Luke: Jedi Outcast Re-edited P2

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Guest hkmandalore47

Jabba, you're a wonderful human being. - Solo to Jabba. A New Hope

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Guest HK-47

Quote: *3PO's voice* The illustrious Jabba bids you welcome and will gladly pay you the sum of twenty-five thousand. -3PO translating for Jabba Desilijic Tiure

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"Jabba no badda."

-Bib Fortuna, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

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Guest hkmandalore47

Talk Jabba. Greedo to Solo, A New Hope

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Guest Lex

"Kruma niima? Yoooo!!!"

- Jabba the Hutt, Return of the Jedi

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"Once you make a deal with the Hutts, they will always have a hold over you"

- Goto, KotOR2

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Guest hkmandalore47

Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free. Last lines of Sith Code.

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Guest HK-47

Talk Jabba. Greedo to Solo, A New Hope


Confused Query: What? When in their short conversation did Greedo say that?


@JJo Statement: Can't understand what that one is.


Correction: I got my quote wrong. It's not sum, it's reward.


Quote: *Fett's voice* Ah. Greetings.

*Jaden's voice* What are you doing here?

*Fett* My, wife was cheating on me.

*Jaden* Yeah! With me!

*Fett* Really? Um... --Jaden and Fett: Jedi Academy Re-edited P3

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Guest hkmandalore47

@HK thats in huttese, not basic. "Talk Jabba" translates to "Tell that to Jabba" (or along those lines). he definately does says it. i once tried to memorize exactly what greedo said and learn huttese and, well, i never forgot what he said.


Why you slimy, double-crossing, no good swindler! You've gotta lot of guts comin' here, after what you've pulled. Lando to Han on Han's arrival. ESB

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Guest HK-47

@HK thats in huttese, not basic. "Talk Jabba" translates to "Tell that to Jabba" (or along those lines).


Exclamation: Oh yeah! I forgot about that!



Quote: *Lando's voice* Kyle Katarn?

*Kyle's voice* Lando! What are you doing here?

*Lando* What does it look like I'm doing, I'm sitting in a cell. What about you?

*Kyle* (Walks away laughing) --Jedi Outcast Re-edited P2

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Guest hkmandalore47

Laugh it up, fuzz ball. - Han to Chewie. ESB

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Guest HK-47

Laugh it up, fuzz ball. - Han to Chewie. ESB


Statement: Newbiemodder did that one on page 5.


Quote: *Luke's voice* Jaden, you've resisted the Dark Side, and saved another Jedi from certain death. You will be a valuable member in the Jedi...(Kyle interrupts)

*Kyle* You killed Chewie! WHY JADEN?!?!

*Luke* Kyle and I have sensed great anger in you Jaden. We need to beat you up. -- Luke and Kyle to Jaden: Jedi Academy Re-Edited Again

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Guest hkmandalore47

ah. i forgot about that. also, can you post the link where you find these Jedi Knight Edit quotes?


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. - Yoda to Anakin. The Phantom Menace

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Guest bendarby24

just let go, give in to the dark side

some sith guy in kotor 2

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Guest Lex

"The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."

- Palpatine, Episode III

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Guest hkmandalore47

The Force is with you, young Skywalker. But you are not a Jedi yet. - Vader to Luke. ESB

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Guest newbiemodder

"Master Yoda, is the Dark Side stronger?"


Luke to Yoda, Empire

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@JJo Statement: Can't understand what that one is.


It means Jabba doesn't bargain.


The Force is with you, young Skywalker. But you are not a Jedi yet. - Vader to Luke. ESB


I posted that one back on page 4.


"Master Yoda, is the Dark Side stronger?"


Luke to Yoda, Empire


"The Dark Side has made me stronger than I ever was before."

-Bastila, KOTOR

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Guest HK-47
Guest hkmandalore47

@jjo damn, i did it again!


Quote: Bring me Solo and the Wookiee, they will suffer for this outrage! - Jabba after the death of his Rancor. RotJ

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Guest HK-47

@jjo !@#$%^&*, i did it again!


Quote: Bring me Solo and the Wookiee, they will suffer for this outrage! - Jabba after the death of his Rancor. RotJ

Quote: *Kyle* Any idea what that might be? *in awe* Oh ho ho! The Millennium Falcon!

*Jaden* Never heard of it.

*Kyle* Me neither. *sigh* Let's go. -Jedi Academy Re-Edited P2

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Guest hkmandalore47

Quote: She's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. - Han Solo to Obi-Wan. A New Hope

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Guest bendarby24

hir she is my pride and buity

-kotor 1 davik

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