Guest Plastic

Star Wars Quote Wars

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Guest hkmandalore47

Jango! Finish her! - Nute Gunray to Jango, AotC

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Guest HK-47

Quote: *Yoda's voice* AROUND THE SURVIVORS, A PERIMETER CREATE!- Yoda to the clones when rescuing the Jedi in the Arena on Geonosis, Episode II.


Statement: The clones dropping into the arena powning all the droids is the best scene ever. It makes me wish I had an LAAT/i.

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Guest Plastic

"Kill him. Kill him now." Chancellor Palpatine, Episode 3 (scene with Anakin and Dooku)

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Guest hkmandalore47

that was pretty awesome HK.


Hold on to your guts while I rip out theirs! - Sev to Boss when he's knocked out, Republic Commando

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Guest HK-47

Quote: *HK'S voice* Observation: And if you did master, I could not prevent you. I would suggest that if my words are difficult to hear, then it is long past time someone said them to you. Speaking from the perspective of one who suffers considerable memory problems, repressing such horrific acts of slaughter, seems like such a waste. It is better to drag such delightful memories kicking and screaming into the open where they may be examined and replayed again and again savoring each beautiful moment. -HK-47 to the Exile KotOR2

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Guest Plastic

"How rude!" - JarJar Binks, Episode 1


(runs and hides for having quoted him. :help:

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Guest hkmandalore47

What if he doesn't survive? He's no good to me dead. - Boba Fett before Han is frozen in carbonite. ESB

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­"Massa langue, gonflée" -JarJar Binks, E-I supposedly french version, though this hardly qualifie as french :P

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Guest hkmandalore47

­"Massa langue, gonflée" -JarJar Binks, E-I supposedly french version, though this hardly qualifie as french :P

u realize now we have to kill u and plastic for quoting jar jar.


There is no escape. - Darth Vader, (ANH or ESB).

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Guest HK-47

u realize now we have to kill u and plastic for quoting jar jar.


There is no escape. - Darth Vader, (ANH or ESB).


Suggestion: We could feed them something nasty.


Quote: *Kyle's voice* They got away! How does that make sense?

*Jaden* I'm not sure. Some sort of Force s*it. -Jedi Academy Re-edited Again

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Guest hkmandalore47

i like that idea HK. what do you suggest?


You are the impossible. - Luke to Yoda upon getting his X-wing out of the swamp. ESB

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Guest HK-47

Suggestion: Wookiee feet.



Quote: *Kreia's voice* Nothing is impossible with the Force. -Kreia to the Exile when discussing Nihilus' power KotOR2 (non brainer there).

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Guest hkmandalore47

i love you, hk-47.


Those rebels won't escape us. - Imperial Officer aboard the Executor. ESB

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Guest hkmandalore47

Wars not make one great. - Yoda to Luke. ESB

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Guest HK-47

Quote: (Luke farts) *Luke* I'm sorry Kyle.

*Kyle* Not again. -Jedi Academy Re-edited part1

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"Slurrrrrrrrrrp... ouch!" Jar Jar Binks trying to grab a fruit with his tongue and Qui-Gon catching-it. -TPM


HK's, you've been bad droids. I'll give you to Yoda ESB for him to treat you and no oil bath for either of you for a month. No stinky wookie feet for me :P

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Guest hkmandalore47

ha! u think that shall stop us? HK-47 lives for like 4000 years! he ends up on mustafar between ANH and ESB.


Yea I'm responsible. - Lando to Han on beocming Baron Administrator. ESB

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Guest HK-47



ha! u think that shall stop us? HK-47 lives for like 4000 years! he ends up on mustafar between ANH and ESB.

Correction: Actually that happened WAY before ANH, seeing as how my A.I. was in a Hammerhead cruiser embedded deep in the planet's crust.

Statement: Regardless, I am a unique model. Why to think that there would be other versions of me would be unacceptable.

Quote: *Kyle's voice* You know, if there's one thing I've learned, it's never trust a stupid idiot like Rosh.- Kyle Katarn Jedi Academy Re-edited part 3

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Guest darthkrull

Red lightsaber, blue lightsaber put them together what do you get? PURPLE RAIN" Boba Fett robot chicken episode

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"Of course, the true test of a Jedi's skill is not with the force, but with a lightsabre"

- Count Dooku, AotC

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Guest hkmandalore47

Your lightsabers will make a fine edition to my collection. - General Grievous to Anakin and Obi-Wan. RotS

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