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Jek'Jek Tar Crash

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Hello, forgive me if it's not customary to make a new thread for every issue. I recently installed TSLRCM on a preinstalled kotor II and I am having trouble with a seemingly impossible to avoid crash in Nar Shaddaa. Let me first start off by saying everything has been going great from peragus through telos. I have had a few minor crashes at loading screens(similar to what I am unable to bypass now) but it never occurred more than once at the same screen.


I am at the part where Mira tranquilizes the exile outside the jek'jek tar, I did have about 4 crashes at the first loading screen to get in to the cantina, but I managed to get in. Everything went fine while inside until after the cinematic with Visquis. It crashes every time after the cinematic with Mira and Visquis in the jek jek tar during the loading screen.


If I recall, the only mods I am using are Ultimate Saber Mod, Slender Body for Females (1.1) by Taino, Bastila PC Head by Miles Edgeworth(although not currently in use with my save), Full Force Mod by Team_Hssiss, Kreia to Darth Traya by Darth Sebas.

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Guest bendarby24

are you useing the compatiblity patch for Ultimate Saber Mod to work with tslrcm mod?

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are you useing the compatiblity patch for Ultimate Saber Mod to work with tslrcm mod?


I was not aware there was one, I have not built my lightsaber yet, kreia has her lightsaber and that hasnt caused any problems. I have found a few of the modded crystals that dropped as was expected in my run up to my current predicament, are you certain that USM is causing the crash?

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yes downloud this and use it but unfortantly you willneed to do a new save game :(


As in completely new? I guess it can't hurt to try, I've only put in 10 hours so far. I am still skeptical as to whether USM is actually the only culprit, is the area I crashed at something expressly indicative of a problem with USM?

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How about what version of TSL RCM you are using?


1.7, sorry about not including that... I looked at the download for USM fix and some of the comments are mentioning a malachor crash it purportedly fixed with 1.6. Jaiden Corr seems to suggest 1.7 doesn't need the USM fix.


Edit: I installed the USM fix and that fixed my current issue. If I encounter any other errors I will post them in the main thread.



Thank you all for the help.

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