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Guest SiZo

Cut-content not encountered

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Guest SiZo

Hey everyone.


I just want to ask a question concerning some cut-content. So, I started my game with this very awesome about 2 weeks ago, and since that time, have also been checking which restored content I encountered. I definitely recall not encountering a few cut-content which are the following:

[R] The Crash - Atton is supposed to say a few lines as the shuttle from Citadel Station plummets into the ground. When the shuttle crashes again at the Ice Plateau, Atton makes it known that it wasn't his fault.


[R] Disciple's proper greeting - When the PC enters the library in the Enclave and meets Mical, Mical will joke about becoming laigrek meat and how he is a self-styled disciple of knowledge. He would also explain exactly why he was in the library - due to laigreks coming at him in a full group.


[R] Gerevick's Plans - Gerevick is supposed to contact someone inside Khoonda as the Exile eavesdrops. Presumably about how the Exile showed up and the threat to his claim on the dead salvagers in the Enclave.

Is it because they have not been restored yet, or is the problem to be found somewhere else? If the last were to be true, I don't use any mods except ultimate sound mod (a few .wav files which, in my opinion, shouldn't interfere with TSLRCM). My game is fully patched up to 1.0b and was done so before installing TSLRCM

I am also playing with a dark sided female exile.

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I don't think the other 2 events are in the RCM, but I know Disciple will joke about being laigrek meat with a male Exile. He doesn't bring it up if you play as female. I guess he tries to appear more heroic for the ladies.

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Hey everyone.


I just want to ask a question concerning some cut-content. So, I started my game with this very awesome about 2 weeks ago, and since that time, have also been checking which restored content I encountered. I definitely recall not encountering a few cut-content which are the following:


Is it because they have not been restored yet, or is the problem to be found somewhere else? If the last were to be true, I don't use any mods except ultimate sound mod (a few .wav files which, in my opinion, shouldn't interfere with TSLRCM). My game is fully patched up to 1.0b and I did so before installing TSLRCM

I am also playing with a dark sided female exile.


I've used the ultiate sound mod also and it has no ill effect on TSLRCM,but as jjo mentioned the Disciple stuff only runs as a male exile,the platue lines (only a couple)actually appear after the shuttle crashed,because it wasn't possible to add them during the movie. Gervic's lines only run if you've revealed yourself as a jedi apon entering dantooine.

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Guest SiZo

Thanks for the replies.


Stoney: I still haven't been able to catch this sentence. Don't you happen to know whether it has anything to do with the fact that I have a kind of "black-screen" glitch? By that, I mean after cinamatic scenes I need to push alt+tab almost everytime to make everything visible because I only see a black screen after bik movies end. But if it is the case, I don't see any trace of it in the message log. Nonetheless, it isn't that important. It'd just have been rather funny after Kreia's mocking statement following the first crash.

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Pretty sure the Crash stuff got cut out, since it didn't make much sense without the earlier, also not restored lines when crashing into Telos Restoration Zone. Yeah, a restoration project who cuts content. I see the irony. But if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.


As mentioned Disciple is for males, and Gerevick if you uncovered yourself as Jedi to the mechanic on the landing path.

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