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Tusken Raider

Make character gain feats and Force powers without level up

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Hello. Is there a way to make character gain particular feats, Force powers and ability scores at particular moment of the game?


It's not about getting more op than you already are at 20 level, I just find it abnormal that such a powerful jedi, former Dark Lord has such a ridiculously poor set of feats and Force powers as well as ability scores compare to his noname companions/enemies.

Whatever class you choose, you have relatively low ablilities. For Scoundrel it's 10 STR and 10 CON which is an absurd, because even Mission and Bastila have 12. If you choose Scout or Soldier you'll be dumb or not charismatic enough for a great leader that Revan was. Same with feats and Force powers.


It would be fair enough if you get some combat feats during your jedi training (CON relative feats like Conditioning would suit too), and +1 to WIS, +1 to CHA and some Force Powers (e.g. Dark Side ones) when you remember who you are.


I know it's easier to use KSE but I don't like cheating lol

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It could probably be scripted, sure. Have a script equip an item to the invisible "creature" slot each char has that grants the feats/stat bonus. Triggering said script may be the tougher part. Perhaps a dialogue could be used.

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