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Malachor Influence-Related Cutscenes

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But after you Jedify him to the Dark Side, doesn't he reflect your alingment?


Not entirely positive about this, so don't quote me or anything, but I'm pretty sure Bao-Dur can only be Dark side if you're NOT dark side. Don't ask me how this works, because I'm not entirely sure myself, but that's just what I've heard. I've never made Bao-Dur dark side myself.


You need influence with Bao-Dur to make him a jedi, right? Well, there's no way you can get that as a DS Exile. So, from what I understand, you get high influence with Bao-Dur, make him a jedi, BUT THEN, tell him to harness his anger or something, I've never picked that choice, but I'm pretty sure that's the one that makes him dark sided. And I guess technically, you could turn your Exile to the dark side AFTER that.

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Positive INF = Reflects your alignment.

Negative INF = Opposes your alignment.


That's for everyone (but Kreia), jedification has no change to that.


So in order to get Bao-Dur DS you have to;

1) Have high INF while being Dark Sided.

2) Have low INF while being Light Sided.

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Guest staticjoe66

I THINK I get what you're saying--being that BD is essentially a LS character, if I'm a DS'er I have to have less than 10 INF with him to Jedify him (the INF walkthrough on has theirs at 8), but he will still be a LS char and will not reflect my Exile's DS alignment...?? Yes...?? No...?? Maybe...?? Must be the Prestige Padawans mod I'm using...some other mod maybe...??





Positive INF = Reflects your alignment.

Negative INF = Opposes your alignment.


That's for everyone (but Kreia), jedification has no change to that.


So in order to get Bao-Dur DS you have to;

1) Have high INF while being Dark Sided.

2) Have low INF while being Light Sided.

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Guest staticjoe66

Interesting question Pazaak because I thought just the opposite--as a DS Exile you can Jedify Bao-Dur and Mical/Disciple by actually losing INF with them. Here is a link to the DS INF walkthrough on




DS INF Walkthrough



I'm going to start a DS M Exile this weekend and I don't want to use the KSE to set anyone's INF then Jedify--I didn't realize Mical was so easy to jedify as a DS'er and my last DS playthrough didn't know I had also lost enough INF with Bao-Dur to train him. Plus there were some things I missed with Brianna I want to go back and retry...which will make Malachor interesting...let Sion go medieval on Atton with a M Exile...I wonder what Atton's death scene will look like...





Not entirely positive about this, so don't quote me or anything, but I'm pretty sure Bao-Dur can only be Dark side if you're NOT dark side. Don't ask me how this works, because I'm not entirely sure myself, but that's just what I've heard. I've never made Bao-Dur dark side myself.


You need influence with Bao-Dur to make him a jedi, right? Well, there's no way you can get that as a DS Exile. So, from what I understand, you get high influence with Bao-Dur, make him a jedi, BUT THEN, tell him to harness his anger or something, I've never picked that choice, but I'm pretty sure that's the one that makes him dark sided. And I guess technically, you could turn your Exile to the dark side AFTER that.

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I think he means "have Bao Dur be Dark Sided", not turn him as Dark Sider.


Because with doing that, Bao is Light-Sided (opposite of your own alignment).


Yes, I did mean to have Bao-Dur himself be a Dark Sider. Also, I'm a she. :)



I THINK I get what you're saying--being that BD is essentially a LS character, if I'm a DS'er I have to have less than 10 INF with him to Jedify him (the INF walkthrough on has theirs at 8), but he will still be a LS char and will not reflect my Exile's DS alignment...?? Yes...?? No...?? Maybe...?? Must be the Prestige Padawans mod I'm using...some other mod maybe...??


Kind of. Influence is a weird thing in TSL. You can unlock rewards by having high or low influence. It's kind of counter-intuitive because your teammates will tell you all their secrets if they really like you, but also if they hate you. However, having high influence with a character means their alignment will reflect yours. So if your DSM Exile gets high influence with Bao-Dur, Bao-Dur will become a DS character. If he gets low influence with Bao-Dur, he will be the opposite alignment and move more and more towards the LS.


Once your influence is low enough or high enough (10 or 90), you can Jedify your teammates. If your DSM Exile has influence at 10 with Bao-Dur, the latter will turn into a Jedi since his alignment will be opposite yours and thus, will be LS. On the other hand, if your DSM Exile has 90 influence with Bao-Dur, the latter will turn into a Dark Jedi since his alignment will reflect yours and he will be DS. This rule applies to all of your teammates except, as HH noted, Kreia (who stays neutral regardless of influence level).


There are benefits and disadvantages to both high and low influence. If you have teammates whose alignment is opposite yours, they can use force powers of that alignment with decreased cost (so LS Bao-Dur can use Heal on everyone with less cost than you can, being a DSM Exile). With low influence, certain scenes would trigger as this thread is all about (I'm still working on Brianna/Visas - life kind of got busy for me this week). Personally, when I play DS, I love watching my goody two-shoe counterparts fall with me. It gives me a great feeling of satisfaction that I just don't get when their alignment is opposite mine since it's more work to turn Disciple, Bao-Dur, and Mira into Dark Jedi than it is to simply be mean to them and leave them on their LS path. Also, I like having an army of zombie-looking companions.


At the end of the game at Malachor, Kreia will also say different things about your companions depending on their alignment, not yours. So, if you're LS and gain high influence with Disciple or if you're DS and gain low influence with him, his fate (according to Kreia) will be the same since he ends up being LS in both scenarios. But if the Disciple falls to the DS along with a DS Exile (or if a LS Exile somehow manages to lose a bunch of influence with him), Kreia's depiction of his fate changes.


I am unsure if that mod affects this system as I don't use it, but I hope this helped clarify some things.

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Interesting question Pazaak because I thought just the opposite--as a DS Exile you can Jedify Bao-Dur and Mical/Disciple by actually losing INF with them. Here is a link to the DS INF walkthrough on




DS INF Walkthrough



I'm going to start a DS M Exile this weekend and I don't want to use the KSE to set anyone's INF then Jedify--I didn't realize Mical was so easy to jedify as a DS'er and my last DS playthrough didn't know I had also lost enough INF with Bao-Dur to train him. Plus there were some things I missed with Brianna I want to go back and retry...which will make Malachor interesting...let Sion go medieval on Atton with a M Exile...I wonder what Atton's death scene will look like...


Ah. Like I said, I probably shouldn't be quoted on anything that concerns dark side stuff. I go light side 90% of the time, so it's a snowballs chance in hell I ever remember anything from a dark side playthrough.

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Guest staticjoe66
Once your influence is low enough or high enough (10 or 90), you can Jedify your teammates.


Until I found that INF walkthrough, I didn't know you could actually lose INF with BD and Mical and still jedify them




Personally, when I play DS, I love watching my goody two-shoe counterparts fall with me. It gives me a great feeling of satisfaction that I just don't get when their alignment is opposite mine since it's more work to turn Disciple, Bao-Dur, and Mira into Dark Jedi than it is to simply be mean to them and leave them on their LS path. Also, I like having an army of zombie-looking companions.



I prefer the DS period--it's much more fun running around being mean to anyone and everyone, picking fights while blowing things and people up, siding with mercs and killing Jedi Masters...rather me the best lines in the game are on the DS path like when a DS EXile says to HK-47 stick with me, you'll pick up a few things




At the end of the game at Malachor, Kreia will also say different things about your companions depending on their alignment, not yours. So, if you're LS and gain high influence with Disciple or if you're DS and gain low influence with him, his fate (according to Kreia) will be the same since he ends up being LS in both scenarios. But if the Disciple falls to the DS along with a DS Exile (or if a LS Exile somehow manages to lose a bunch of influence with him), Kreia's depiction of his fate changes.



This I didn't know but it makes sense





Yes, I did mean to have Bao-Dur himself be a Dark Sider. Also, I'm a she. :)





Kind of. Influence is a weird thing in TSL. You can unlock rewards by having high or low influence. It's kind of counter-intuitive because your teammates will tell you all their secrets if they really like you, but also if they hate you. However, having high influence with a character means their alignment will reflect yours. So if your DSM Exile gets high influence with Bao-Dur, Bao-Dur will become a DS character. If he gets low influence with Bao-Dur, he will be the opposite alignment and move more and more towards the LS.


Once your influence is low enough or high enough (10 or 90), you can Jedify your teammates. If your DSM Exile has influence at 10 with Bao-Dur, the latter will turn into a Jedi since his alignment will be opposite yours and thus, will be LS. On the other hand, if your DSM Exile has 90 influence with Bao-Dur, the latter will turn into a Dark Jedi since his alignment will reflect yours and he will be DS. This rule applies to all of your teammates except, as HH noted, Kreia (who stays neutral regardless of influence level).


There are benefits and disadvantages to both high and low influence. If you have teammates whose alignment is opposite yours, they can use force powers of that alignment with decreased cost (so LS Bao-Dur can use Heal on everyone with less cost than you can, being a DSM Exile). With low influence, certain scenes would trigger as this thread is all about (I'm still working on Brianna/Visas - life kind of got busy for me this week). Personally, when I play DS, I love watching my goody two-shoe counterparts fall with me. It gives me a great feeling of satisfaction that I just don't get when their alignment is opposite mine since it's more work to turn Disciple, Bao-Dur, and Mira into Dark Jedi than it is to simply be mean to them and leave them on their LS path. Also, I like having an army of zombie-looking companions.


At the end of the game at Malachor, Kreia will also say different things about your companions depending on their alignment, not yours. So, if you're LS and gain high influence with Disciple or if you're DS and gain low influence with him, his fate (according to Kreia) will be the same since he ends up being LS in both scenarios. But if the Disciple falls to the DS along with a DS Exile (or if a LS Exile somehow manages to lose a bunch of influence with him), Kreia's depiction of his fate changes.


I am unsure if that mod affects this system as I don't use it, but I hope this helped clarify some things.

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Guest staticjoe66

And I'm just the opposite--I usually go max DS but wanted to see cutscenes I had never before been able to trigger



Ah. Like I said, I probably shouldn't be quoted on anything that concerns dark side stuff. I go light side 90% of the time, so it's a snowballs chance in hell I ever remember anything from a dark side playthrough.

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Guest staticjoe66

Many many thanks to you jjo and to you HH--I FINALLY saw Atton's death scene :thumbsup: Now, it's going to be interesting to see how that scene and dialogue differs with a M Exile which leads me to a question...I know the KOTOR tool is used to view and modify the game's .2da files...can it also be used to view the dialogue.tlk file? Yeah yeah yeah, I know...N00B--guilty as charged...

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The KOTOR tool can read KOTOR .dlg files, but it's not for use with KOTOR2's .dlg files.


The .tlk has all the text in the game, but it's definitely not the source to look for when wanting to see alterations in a dialogue.

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And for those of you who are interested: the Handmaiden/Visas fight! Wooo!

This should happen if you are a male Exile that has very high influence with Visas and very low influence with Handmaiden. For me, it triggered right after I defeated that huge storm beast in the Malachor Depths.

of the audio I found on Youtube.


Visas/Brianna Fight, Part I:

Visas is chillin'.




She decides to go for a stroll, but is cut off by Brianna.
















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Visas/Brianna Fight, Part II:


Missing a period.




Fade to black.

Personally, I think it's a bit of a bummer there's no closeups of Brianna, but that may just be me. Also, I guess Visas wins this battle since the scene where the party attacks Kreia still triggered (with only her and Atton attacking Kreia) after the remote powers up all the consoles.

As an aside, this always happens in my game during the confrontation between Mira and Hanharr on Malachor:



It never fails to remind me of


But anyway, I'd like to say a big "Thank You!" to the TSLRCM team who made viewing these cutscenes possible. Awesome work, guys. :thumbsup:

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Guest staticjoe66

Ah ha ok, TY--Kreia has so many great lines in the game and I was hoping to be able to track some of them down somehow...they make wonderful Facebook updates... :D





The KOTOR tool can read KOTOR .dlg files, but it's not for use with KOTOR2's .dlg files.


The .tlk has all the text in the game, but it's definitely not the source to look for when wanting to see alterations in a dialogue.

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Guest staticjoe66
This should happen if you are a male Exile that has very high influence with Visas and very low influence with Handmaiden. For me, it triggered right after I defeated that huge storm beast in the Malachor Depths.



Had I not FUBAR'd my game this weekend--don't ask, I knew better yet did it anyway... :| --I would have probably seen this very cutscene--my INF with Visas was well into the 90's but I messed up the INF track to turn Brianna into a Dark Jedi so I used the KSE setting her INF to 99 instead of 8...THEN got a black screen when trying to head to the Ravager which I know is a mod conflict (I used a couple mods I had never used before and wasn't familiar with) so I'm gonna blow out the game then reinstall it and go back through it

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Ah, bummer. Hope everything goes well with your reinstall.

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Guest staticjoe66

OK--now I have a of this moment I have 73 INF with Brianna and 92 INF with Visas, and have just put Atris out of my misery (AND saw the dialogue box pop up for getting back my original saber) that enough of a disparity to trigger the this like Atton/Mical and Brianna's INF has to be lower than 30...inquiring minds wanna know as very soon I'm going to have to stop playing the game for while...





And for those of you who are interested: the Handmaiden/Visas fight! Wooo!

This should happen if you are a male Exile that has very high influence with Visas and very low influence with Handmaiden. For me, it triggered right after I defeated that huge storm beast in the Malachor Depths.

of the audio I found on Youtube.

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I believe there has to be a huge disparity again. My influence with Visas was at 100 whereas my influence with Handmaiden was at 0. Like the Atton/Disciple fight, you should have seen cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk between Visas and Handmaiden as well as Handmaiden and Kreia. Additionally, I had a conversation on the Ebon Hawk with Handmaiden after a couple of those cutscenes and she was veritably pissed off at me for being nicer to Visas than her. After that, she refused to talk to me for the rest of the game. As a result, I couldn't Jedify her (I could be wrong but I believe you can only Jedify Brianna if you have high influence with her, not low).


I think all that has to happen to trigger the fight on Malachor.

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Guest staticjoe66

I was afraid you were gonna say that...ah least now I know and will file that away for my next playthough...



I believe there has to be a huge disparity again. My influence with Visas was at 100 whereas my influence with Handmaiden was at 0. Like the Atton/Disciple fight, you should have seen cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk between Visas and Handmaiden as well as Handmaiden and Kreia. Additionally, I had a conversation on the Ebon Hawk with Handmaiden after a couple of those cutscenes and she was veritably pissed off at me for being nicer to Visas than her. After that, she refused to talk to me for the rest of the game. As a result, I couldn't Jedify her (I could be wrong but I believe you can only Jedify Brianna if you have high influence with her, not low).


I think all that has to happen to trigger the fight on Malachor.

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Sorry, man. But I guess no one can complain that TSL doesn't have replay value. :P

I know I've played it at least 10 times within the last 3 months. I have over 60 save games.


For me, the Handmaiden/Visas cutscenes weren't as fun as the Atton/Mical cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk. But that may be because I like Brianna better than I like Mical (but Visas is one of my favorite characters, so...). Actually, I think Handmaiden and Visas only have one cutscene, which I enjoyed. There's more Handmaiden/Kreia scenes. I did, however, really like the conversation in which Brianna got mad at me. And afterward, you can talk to Atton about it.

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Guest staticjoe66

Very interesting--losing enough INF with her to trigger that particular scene won't be difficult, but that also means I won't Jedify her...and she rocks as a Jedi in Freedon Nadd's Tomb...hhmmmm...




I did, however, really like the conversation in which Brianna got mad at me.




A while back this happened to me too--this was before I knew anything about mods, and at that time the TSLRP, simply playing the patched stock game. IIRC I was following the walkthrough off gamefaqs but went wrong somewhere and suddenly Brianna wouldn't talk to me anymore so after this current playthrough I'll need to go through the game again as there's a couple mods I wanna try






Sorry, man. But I guess no one can complain that TSL doesn't have replay value. :P

I know I've played it at least 10 times within the last 3 months. I have over 60 save games.


For me, the Handmaiden/Visas cutscenes weren't as fun as the Atton/Mical cutscenes on the Ebon Hawk. But that may be because I like Brianna better than I like Mical (but Visas is one of my favorite characters, so...). Actually, I think Handmaiden and Visas only have one cutscene, which I enjoyed. There's more Handmaiden/Kreia scenes. I did, however, really like the conversation in which Brianna got mad at me. And afterward, you can talk to Atton about it.

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I like taking T3-M4 into Freedon Nadd's tomb. Used the shock arm to attack enemies and he basically went through the whole tomb unscathed. And that was before I downloaded the Droid Enhancement Mod.


I think G0-T0 is the only party member I've never sent into the tomb (outside of Kreia, who has to go with you to Onderon). Hm. Maybe I'll try that next playthrough.

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Guest staticjoe66

I would have thought there were too many Sith and Dark Jedi to take a droid through there which is why I never take one to Korriban--hhmmmm....






I like taking T3-M4 into Freedon Nadd's tomb. Used the shock arm to attack enemies and he basically went through the whole tomb unscathed. And that was before I downloaded the Droid Enhancement Mod.


I think G0-T0 is the only party member I've never sent into the tomb (outside of Kreia, who has to go with you to Onderon). Hm. Maybe I'll try that next playthrough.

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Droids always got the short end of the stick in the KOTOR games (with the exception of HK-47, maybe, but I'm not sure how many people actually like using him in combat). Even I favor my human companions over my droid ones. But T3-M4 is actually a pretty good fighter with the right upgrades and equipment for both games. TSL even more so than KOTOR since he gets the unlimited shield and regeneration unit. In KOTOR, T3-M4 would be good once he leveled up enough and had a sufficiently high dexterity.


It's kind of the same in TSL; I wouldn't recommend using him to shoot anything until he levels up quite a bit. But if you keep him in the back of your party while your two human companions rush to meet enemies in melee combat and use his shock arm, he's super useful. I almost always used HK-47 in my party when I played DS in KOTOR, but I didn't use him much in TSL until I downloaded the Droid Enhancement Mod. And I basically never use G0-T0 except for very briefly in Onderon because I'm not a big fan of his. I always feel like he's basically just an asshat version of T3. He has kind of a cool back story, but...


Kind of random, but were there any female droids in KOTOR? No, right? I know in TSL there's that one Pazaak-playing droid that's female, but I think that's it...

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Guest staticjoe66

I like taking HK-47 to Dxun/Onderon and Nar Shaddaa, he has some good lines on Dantooine too but usually I don't take him there because I want to gain/lose INF with Bao-Dur and/or Mical although if you have Brianna in your party and agree to work with Azkul she goes ballistic--BIG INF loss there :thumbsup:




I may try taking T3 into Freedon Nadd's tomb--I usually set him, 47, Mandalore, Atton, Mical, Mira and Bao-Dur to ranged to minimize their melee opportunities leaving Visas, Brianna and Kreia set on Jedi Support.




I'm also going to give that Droid Enhancement Mod a whirl--the HK factory is easy enough as it is, wear the Capacitor Armor, arm 47 with a couple good blaster pistols with Master Two Weapon Fighting and Master Rapid Shot and you blow through there like the wind. What's funny is for the longest time I didn't know droids had shields too... unsure.gif




Gonna start a new game tonight and will try to trigger that Visas/Brianna catfight :devil:






Droids always got the short end of the stick in the KOTOR games (with the exception of HK-47, maybe, but I'm not sure how many people actually like using him in combat). Even I favor my human companions over my droid ones. But T3-M4 is actually a pretty good fighter with the right upgrades and equipment for both games. TSL even more so than KOTOR since he gets the unlimited shield and regeneration unit. In KOTOR, T3-M4 would be good once he leveled up enough and had a sufficiently high dexterity.


It's kind of the same in TSL; I wouldn't recommend using him to shoot anything until he levels up quite a bit. But if you keep him in the back of your party while your two human companions rush to meet enemies in melee combat and use his shock arm, he's super useful. I almost always used HK-47 in my party when I played DS in KOTOR, but I didn't use him much in TSL until I downloaded the Droid Enhancement Mod. And I basically never use G0-T0 except for very briefly in Onderon because I'm not a big fan of his. I always feel like he's basically just an asshat version of T3. He has kind of a cool back story, but...


Kind of random, but were there any female droids in KOTOR? No, right? I know in TSL there's that one Pazaak-playing droid that's female, but I think that's it...

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Oh man, I remember that. Brianna has a fit even if you lie and say you'll help Azkul. I enjoyed her rage. Kreia, meanwhile, will praise you for being manipulative (of course).


Haha, I'm kind of a dummy. I never really thought about setting any of my companions on Ranged since I mainly have them use melee weapons or lightsabers once they become Jedi. I like the in-your-face style of fighting (which is a big reason why I don't use droids super often since they can only used ranged weapons). But I do usually set Disciple, Visas, and Kreia on Jedi Support.


I had a real hard time the first time I sent HK-47 into the HK factory. I hadn't leveled him up very well because I didn't realize he'd go into the factory by himself and I used every single grenade, shield, and repair kit before I was halfway through. I ended up changing the difficulty level to easy and just running out of the factory without destroying any of the reactivated HK-51s. Ah, good times.


Have fun! ;)

Also, I never noticed that devil smiley before. It's kind of unsettling.

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