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KSE Help

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I'm having trouble getting KSE (3.3.7) to work, and I was wondering if anyone can help.


First, do you actually need KOTOR (for PC) installed in order for KSE to work? It wouldn't seem like you would, since you're just editing the save files, but I haven't been able to find an answer to this question. I have KOTOR on Android (as well as for Xbox, although that's likely irrelevant), and am trying to edit the Android saves (which I've read that you can do with KSE), but I don't have KOTOR for PC.


When I first started trying to use KSE (after having trouble figuring out how to use KPF), I was getting an error saying "No save games to edit! Termination." This continued even after manually changing kse.ini such that the path for K1 was the KOTOR folder I created (with a nested "saves" folder in it with my Android saves).


After I also switched the K1_Installed value in kse.ini to 1, I no longer get the above error (and the log says that it found the saves directory). Instead, there's a brief error message in the command window before the program closes. I took a screenshot while it was displayed, and it says "Can't call method "get_resource" on an undefined value at script/ line 5672."


Does anyone know what the problem might be/if there's a workaround? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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KSE is looking for your SWKotOR location and not just your save files. All you should need is a file named dialog.tlk and swkotor.exe. You can easily do that by creating an empty file in notepad and save one as swkotor.exe and another dialog.tlk. They should be saved in the same place where you have you saves folder (something like .../Star Wars KotOR/). That should get KSE working for any SWKotOR saves.

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