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KoToR 2 new game fail

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OK so i finally got the game on PC i download and updated the game to the current date .

However when i try to start a new game it gets pass the Long time ago etc...

music starts for Ebon hawk then i get.




File has stop working then on desk top it say not at optimum res i have the res on the game top out so is the game to weak to play on my comp or what all i know is that this is a fail X{



User Lilman166 banned!

Ban in: Global ban

Ban reason: Illegal game

Banned until: 18 January 2027 - 12:41 PM

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Well, your computer might be too weak. Give it a try. Put all settings to minimum, start it up, and see what happens.


If it works, then experiment, trying setting it a little higher, and if that works too, then be happy. If you like, keep setting it one step higher each time to see if your PC can handle it, until it cannot, and then set it to the highest you can without exceeding what it can handle.

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Just a quick FYI - This guy created another thread more or less asking the same thing in the Help Desk forum.


However in that post, he implied he had an illegal copy of the game so he's now been banned.

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