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Missing/broken console models

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Hi Guys,
I installed a bunch of Kotor2 mods based on that One Reddit Thread and for the most part it's running fine and looking good,
but I'm missing some models in a few places- specifically, the Engine Maintenance Console in Harbinger is missing (the model doesn't show up in-game, though the clickable name shows up if you move around a bit) and there was also one console in Peragus that didn't show up.

1. Has anybody experienced this before, and if so what mod was responsible?
2. Doesn't anyone know the model names for these so I can do a find-and-restore from a non-modded install?

I'm not sure where exactly the missing console was in Peragus, I just remember the model being missing.

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It seems more likely to me that would be an issue with the module itself. Both of those would be edited as part of TSLRCM. It could also be an issue with placeables.2da. Changes by a different mod could have screwed things up in either case. Are you using the Steam version and Workshop mods?

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No, steam version and non-workshop mods. Read that workshop mods could screw up some things. In that reddit thread.
Would removing placeables from override interfere with any TSLRCM stuff?


[uPDATE: tried removing placeables, didn't affect problem at all. The second missing item I found in harbinger is a missing workbench model]

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Removed override folder, reinstalled TSLRCM, put override folder back and ran tslpatcher for any mods that required it, and the missing consoles seem to be back now (had to find a save file BEFORE the level in question, otherwise the save file seems to have an effect on which models are displayed). Unsure what caused it.

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