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Darth Jack

That darn sith soldier with turrets on Taris (underground)

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I was watching some Shem L today and I remembered when he shot down the sith soldier although he (and his turrets) had a invinciblity AND insta kill scripts. Now what I am wondering how in the WOLRD do you remove those scripts to kill him? I have the kotor tool and I know the locations of the turrents but I have NO idea what to do I'll be grateful for any help.

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If memory serves, the turrets have an instant kill status or something on their utc files (I'm assuming it's utc, though I could be wrong). It's similar to encountering Calo Nord in Javyarr's Cantina, he has the instant kill status and invincibility. You'd have to go into the .MOD file of the Lower City and manually edit the utc files for the turrets and the Sith Soldier there to remove the instant kill and make him weak as anything. This can be done with the ERF tool to open up the mod file.

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You just made my day! Thanks for replying man. I'll try it out.


The module is tar_m03aa.mod. Everything is going great so far. I just need to find the UTC'S of those cursed turrets and that Sth soldier.


Update 2:
BOOM fixed it and I was able to kill them.. Couldn't have done it without your help, Squall.

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