Nar Shaddaa Issue / Bug

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Hi everybody,


I can't find a fix so I thought I'd ask. I've finished Nar Shaddaa and when I get back to the Ebon Hawk, I can't take off. I walk in the Ebon Hawk with 2 other characters like I'm anywhere, all the doors are closed and I can't access the Navicomputer.


I'm using the TSLRCM 1.6 mod and would prefer not restart a new game - thanks!



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That's the Red Eclipse bug (you really should update to 1.7).

But for now enable the cheats then use WARP 003EBO to continue on.

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Guest HaVoKeR

Talking about Nar Shadaa, i have an idea for RCM; after the Red Eclipse take over the EH, not being able to change party members should be enforced, i.e. there was an animation of Brianna getting K.O. and then i just selected her to join me in the counter atack, it makes no sense.

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TSLRP does that, although there are... complications (whenever isn't there?)

Probably why Stoney/Zbyl decided not to do the same, though you really need to ask them.

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Guest HaVoKeR

TSLRP does that, although there are... complications (whenever isn't there?)

Probably why Stoney/Zbyl decided not to do the same, though you really need to ask them.


Soooo.... hey Stoney/Zbyl, any thoughts? haha

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Hi there, I love the game so far, but I have one big issue...


I arrive at Nar Shaddaa & the game suddenly crashes inmediately after the 2 FMV's that play after Atton describes the planet.


So if anyone can lend me a hand fixing this I'll appreciate it.


BTW, I have instaled the TLSRCM 1.7 with it's Unofficial Fix.


Thanks In Advance.

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I've never had it crash there, but I've had it crash in other areas.


It isn't the mod, as far as I know. It's just your computer dealing with the game (Not saying you have a bad comp or anything.)


What I'm suggesting is, perhaps turn all settings to minimum? ESPECIALLY shadows, turn them off if you can. Shadows seem to wreck games for some reason, never understood why, probably because they are a part of everything, and extend from everything. So turning them off is pretty wild, in a sense.

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I've never had it crash there, but I've had it crash in other areas.


It isn't the mod, as far as I know. It's just your computer dealing with the game (Not saying you have a bad comp or anything.)


What I'm suggesting is, perhaps turn all settings to minimum? ESPECIALLY shadows, turn them off if you can. Shadows seem to wreck games for some reason, never understood why, probably because they are a part of everything, and extend from everything. So turning them off is pretty wild, in a sense.


You're probably right that it's my PC. I did what you suggested but I had the same result. :S

I already had the shadows turned off so instead I tried to enter with everything low, even the texture detail.

But I had the same result.

I have Windows 7 and I tried to execute the game with XP SP3 compatibility & it still crashes in the same part.


If you or anyone can come up for another solution to this, I'll aprreciate it pretty much.

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