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Guest S4crifice

The Clone Wars

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Guest S4crifice

I just finished watching the season 3 episode 15 and 16 of the clone wars. The stuff that was in there has never appeared anywhere else, or has it been mentioned, as far as i remember.

So I have THE question: Is that canon?

Cause it was pretty...astonishing

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Guest bendarby24

it all new stuff and i cant wait because darth maul is allive :D

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

I guess it'll become canon, but there are a lot of conflicts between previous Clone Wars canon and the new series and a final canon as to be decided upon yet, I guess :P.


Although I really love the series (especially Ashoka :D), personally I din't particularly like the whole Mortis-thing now and also the Darth Maul alive thing.

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Guest S4crifice

How can Darth Maul be alive? He was cut in half and fell down the ....botomless pit? :D

how could he possibly survive? iknow...using the dark side. But, seriously? cut in half and still alive?


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Guest bendarby24

we dont now if he is alive and he mite be alive in sith gost form

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Guest bendarby24

no that not it because he is in exil from the galaxy .... i think because he faild and darth sideus would kill him :? and no one nows off his exsistances ?

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Guest ADG12311990

no that not it because he is in exil from the galaxy .... i think because he faild and darth sideus would kill him :? and no one nows off his exsistances ?

IF Maul survived being CUT IN HALF and falling down a reactor shaft (Which I highly doubt) Chances are, it'll be a Holocron of Maul's (Which makes the most sense)

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Guest bendarby24

no because the witch person thing said to darth mauls brother that he is sitill alive and he can train his brother i dont now ...we will just have to wait and see

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Guest S4crifice

Well even if he gets trained by...whatever remains of Darht Maul, there has been none mention of his return in the rebellion era(i don't know about later) so i think this was a short-lived character.

Also, i am under the impression that sith ghost form does not work like the "jedi" ghost form. The sith spirit is bound to an item or a place, if i remeber correctly. Now what could he have used to bind his spirit on while falling, down a nuclear shaft? Makes no sense....

And, yoda is supposed to be one of the few jedi who know how to make a holocron, how could Maul even know how to do it? Would Sidious train someone so well that could potentially challenge him? Hmm....

We will have to wait and see....Damn you George Lucas for the suspense!;)


Edit: corrected a grammatical mistake that almost blinded me on second reading

Edited by S4crifice

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Guest bendarby24

Now what could he have used to bind his spirit on while falling, down a nuclear shaft? Makes no sense....

lol the nuclear shaft bite cracked me up lol

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I've said this before, but I don't much care about canon either way, I think it's pretty neat.


Darth Maul as a character in the movies? Boring, evil, one-dimensional, neat lightsaber. He was a forgettable character for me, and never found a place in my heart like Vader, Fett, or Sidious.


If you do a little research though, Maul is an oddly interesting character, with a pretty tragic past. I agree with what was said previously though, in all likelihood, it's probably a clone, or a ghost, or a hologram or something. There is some pretty insane stuff in Star Wars, some people surviving things that are impossible to do so in real life, and even difficult to believe in Star Wars, but Maul being alive is pretty radical if it's true.


Lucas is always under a lot of pressure to keep things fresh and new in the Star Wars media, as are other projects which don't involve Lucas at all that wish to keep things fresh in their own way. If bringing back Maul puts a new take on an old aspect of Star Wars, who am I to complain? It could prove to be very interesting.

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Guest bendarby24

there is a game what mite be coming out in the next 10 years called the power of the force not part of eny story line it just for fun but it about ....100000 years after the new republic after all off the ariganall movies and the empire is not even a menmory. and there is a wound in the force and the last nown of a force unlesher ( it is part off the star wars univers they were the force weilders ...some arwe called foce weildersd) :) and in the end you mess up the galaxy and all of time in the star wars univers come back so every jedi ...every sith ...every solder come back from the grave you battel good or bad. the battel ground is all off time in the uivers all off the star wars history. so one planet could have 10000 jedi ballaling 10000 sith or it could just be one sith..... there is 3 opchans .... you could shows to jion the jedi, sith or a new opchanion you could join your own kind the force unlishers ( there was only about 20 force unlishers in galazy ever recorded so you will bw ballaling the sith and jedi) :) ....but this is only a idear they have and if it is ever made it would be in the next 10-20 years :)

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

The sith spirit is bound to an item or a place, if i remeber correctly. Now what could he have used to bind his spirit on while falling, down a nuclear shaft? Makes no sense....

Actually, Freedon Nadd's spirit was able to appear to people in many places, not really bound to an item. He 'travelled' with Exar Kun to Korriban and Yavin IV. Later he warned the Krath on Cinnegar of Kun's 'betrayal'.

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Guest Disturbed205

Star Wars canon...and story sometimes is a pretty funny thing some times.


Its probably a clone or something, but then again, that'd conflict with TFU2, where its stated cloning force sensitives wasn't perfected.


Take those ridiculous EU stories about Palpatine's clones...Single worst stories in the Star Wars universe. I hope it has nothing to do with clones.

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Guest S4crifice

Actually, Freedon Nadd's spirit was able to appear to people in many places, not really bound to an item. He 'travelled' with Exar Kun to Korriban and Yavin IV. Later he warned the Krath on Cinnegar of Kun's 'betrayal'.


I agree with you, but this is Freedon Nadd, a pureblood sithlord, that , i assume, had many more years of experience in the dark side than Darth Maul. I can assume, with little fault, that Sidious did not teach Maul all he knew because, he himself had killed his master after having learned everything from him. So he would want to avoid history repeating itself and avoid the natural succesion of the sith (apprentice kills master, if apprentice is stronger or cunnier). Although we don't know for how long Maul was trained under Sidious.

Still, i think they just threw it in there to stir up the fans, or have a...cliffhanger of sorts...

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Guest Bob Ta'aar

Yeah, I agree on that. Well, it'll be interesting to see how that part continues. If it does at all, after all, there are only 5 episodes left in the series.


PS.: Freedon Nadd was actually a human and fallen Jedi, no Sith Pureblood. But I guess it's safe to assume that he had more experiance than Darth Maul.

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Guest S4crifice

Yeah, I agree on that. Well, it'll be interesting to see how that part continues. If it does at all, after all, there are only 5 episodes left in the series.


PS.: Freedon Nadd was actually a human and fallen Jedi, no Sith Pureblood. But I guess it's safe to assume that he had more experiance than Darth Maul.


5 episodes in the series, or in the season? it depends on the ratings i guess, which i have no idea how they were.

I had read some star wars comics a few months ago, and i think it said that Freedon Nadd and other sith lords where descendants of the first jedi that "fell" to the dark side. Or was it naga shadow? I don't remember...


P.S: What height does someone have to fall from in order to qualify for the dark side? Since only "falling" people appear to gain access...:cheers:

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Uh, Sith lords would be fallen jedi whereas Sith pureblood, as you put-it, would be from the sith species. Naga Sadow and Marka Ragnos were such, if I am not mistaken.

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Guest HK-47

Irritated Statement: I don't have satellite so I can't get CN and watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars :wallbash: .


Opinion: I feel that the first Clone Wars cartoon :unworthy: done by the guy who did Samuri Jack ( :unworthy: awesome show) is by far better in terms of the fact that he made the clones very B.A. :sword: (bad a**), especially the ARC troopers, and that was always done through facial expressions, slight movement or gestures. I also like it better because they don't repeat themselves by saying things like:


Mockery: Let's get out of here.

Mockery: We have to get moving!

Mockery: We should go!


Continuation: Over, and over, and over :) . What I'm mostly saying is that the dialogue isn't superb. It's not bad because I still enjoy it :coffee: . But it could be better.


Statement: Fortunately I have a friend who buys each season, so I get to see it. I still haven't seen ALL of the Clone Wars cartoon, but thanks to Youtube, I've seen most of it.

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Guest Gogu05

Irritated Statement: I don't have satellite so I can't get CN and watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars :wallbash: .


Opinion: I feel that the first Clone Wars cartoon :unworthy: done by the guy who did Samuri Jack ( :unworthy: awesome show) is by far better in terms of the fact that he made the clones very B.A. :sword: (bad a**), especially the ARC troopers, and that was always done through facial expressions, slight movement or gestures. I also like it better because they don't repeat themselves by saying things like:


Mockery: Let's get out of here.

Mockery: We have to get moving!

Mockery: We should go!


Continuation: Over, and over, and over :) . What I'm mostly saying is that the dialogue isn't superb. It's not bad because I still enjoy it :coffee: . But it could be better.


Statement: Fortunately I have a friend who buys each season, so I get to see it. I still haven't seen ALL of the Clone Wars cartoon, but thanks to Youtube, I've seen most of it.


The old clones were professionals and not a bunch of cowboys. But the new clones are still smarter than droids they can say more than "Roger! Roger!"

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Speaking of weird stuff in the Clone Wars series, you guys hear the latest? I think I saw it on Kotaku, or something...anyway.


Someone said something that Revan was once planned to be included in the series, I was like HUH? It'd have to be a force ghost or something, I don't think Revan could live a few millenia.

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Guest HK-47

Speaking of weird stuff in the Clone Wars series, you guys hear the latest? I think I saw it on Kotaku, or something...anyway.


Someone said something that Revan was once planned to be included in the series, I was like HUH? It'd have to be a force ghost or something, I don't think Revan could live a few millenia.


Quote: (Kriea's voice) "With the Force, anything is possible."

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Guest bendarby24

i cant whatch it eny more because we dont have sky movies eny more ;)

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i cant whatch it eny more because we dont have sky movies eny more :thumbsup:


Sky movies? Huh. It airs on Cartoon Network in America.

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