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TSL The GenoHaradan

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I've seen some topics with the question about the GenoHaradans, and though it'd be nice to write this for people who don't exactly know about the 3 mods:

- Nar Shaddaa Expansion (Doesn't restore what Obisidian wanted to make)


This is a currently W.I.P mod, that me, N-DReW25 (we work on almost everything) and Quanon (he works on the modules) currently develop. It will be incompatible with the other GenoHaradan mods. TSL Needed!


- GenoHaradan Legacy Mod (Partially restores what Obsidian wanted to make)


This mod is also a currently W.I.P mod, that N-DReW25 currently develops. Compatible with TSL! (I'll possibly help him with the project when we finish the Nar Shaddaa Expansion)


- Exile007's GenoHaradan Mod (A mix of the previous two)


This mod was abandoned, and is not updated anymore. Incompatible with TSL.


The first two are kind of like TSLRCM and M4-78, one restores what Obsidian wanted and adds new content based on what Obsidian wanted. The other has new modules, new VOs, and much more, like M4-78. Though these mods are incompatible, unlike M4-78 and TSLRCM.

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