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Armor/robes mods for TSL? Which types of mods should i avoid for compatibility

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After PC game mods went down and my 2 hard drives are beyond repair, I cannot find the mods I used back then - before 2009. I presume that armor mods are compatible with the Restored Content Mod? Do you have any armor mods that you recommend? At the moment, I am surfing the Nexus sites for the mods. Thanks for the info,


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Nexus mods is riddled with old Kotor Filefront mods so of you are looking for an old mod from 2009 it's a safe bet it will appear there as both filefront and Gamefront does not exist anymore.


I'll assume your referring to TSL, for armors I'll leave links to two armor mods I know of that are compatible with the TSLRCM


TSL Loot immersion adds armors but it adds other stuff as well but it's still compatible with TSLRCM-


TSL Armor fix turns some TSL armor into there K1 appearance as some armors had wrong textures to begin with-


I can't think of any more armor mods unfortunately. You should avoid mods that have a "no" in the TSLRCM Compatible section of the Deadlystream download page. If they say "yes" feel free to download and install it. However a "yes" doesn't mean there is no bugs in the mods, if you encounter a bug in a mod please report it so the mod author can fix it.


Also nexusmods might have incompatible mods due to them being so old. If your unsure about a mod you could always make a thread asking if it's compatible or not or if a compatibility patch can be made for it!

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Nexus mods is riddled with old Kotor Filefront mods so of you are looking for an old mod from 2009 it's a safe bet it will appear there as both filefront and Gamefront does not exist anymore.


I'll assume your referring to TSL, for armors I'll leave links to two armor mods I know of that are compatible with the TSLRCM


TSL Loot immersion adds armors but it adds other stuff as well but it's still compatible with TSLRCM-


TSL Armor fix turns some TSL armor into there K1 appearance as some armors had wrong textures to begin with-


I can't think of any more armor mods unfortunately. You should avoid mods that have a "no" in the TSLRCM Compatible section of the Deadlystream download page. If they say "yes" feel free to download and install it. However a "yes" doesn't mean there is no bugs in the mods, if you encounter a bug in a mod please report it so the mod author can fix it.


Also nexusmods might have incompatible mods due to them being so old. If your unsure about a mod you could always make a thread asking if it's compatible or not or if a compatibility patch can be made for it!

I play tons of KOTOR 2 when it came out. I want to make the game more unique than ever.

I know that a lot of mods from do not exist on the net anymore so I cannot just download them.

How exactly can I check if mod if compatible with TSLRCM when there is no info about it? Are there any warning signs?

Thanks for the info. Cheers!

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