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Making a character float

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I'm currently working on a small mod where I want master Vandar to sit on a human sized chair. And while Vandar has a sitting animation, he's obviously way too short to sit on the chair. Instead he's in the chair.


So now I'm wondering if it's possible to have him float somehow and then use the sit animation. Simply changing the z-value in the .git file won't work as the game always places characters on the ground.


As an alternate solution I tried to edit his sitting animation so that he floats when using the animation but I haven't been able to edit that animation in any way (probabaly due to the fact that I'm editing the wrong animation?). The animation I use is ANIMATION_LOOP_SIT_CHAIR (36) and I figured that'd either be "sit" or "sitdown" from animations.2da so I tried adding a blank "sit" or "sitdown" animation to his model in order to override the one from the super model (Male02) but he still sat down even when using that edited model. So I guess that's not the correct animation.


Any help on how to make this work would be very appreciated. Thanks :D


Edit: The animation is actually "sitdown" as I expected. I just screwed up replacing it^^

So now I figured I'd copy the sitdown animation from Male02 to N_Yoda (Vandar model), replace Male02 with N_Yoda and then raise the z coordinate in all positionkeys to have him float when sitting. But even when I don't edit the z coordinates mdlops runs out of memory for some reason when trying to compile the model. Any ideas why?


Edit 2: The error I got there was probably due to the fact that I copied an animation from one model to another with different bones or something like that. So instead I just made a copy of S_Male02, renamed it to S_Yoda01 with the supermodel S_Male02 and used this as the supermodel for the actual model N_Yoda. Then I removed all animations from that model except for sitdown and edited the z-coordinates for all positionkeys in there. And when using these models ingame, Vandar will sit down floating in the air but then once he's seated he will "fall" back down to the ground. Maybe that's because "sitdown" is only the animation for sitting down but not the actual loop for sitting. However, I can't find any sitting loop animation in either N_Yoda nor the supermodels S_Male02 and S_Male01. There is one called "sit" in S_Female02 but S_Female02 is no supermodel of N_Yoda (the hirarchy is N_Yoda -> S_Male02 -> S_Male01 -> Null). Any ideas which animations I have to edit?


Edit3: Figured it out: "animloop01" is the looped sitting animation. Adding that to my new supermodel with changed z coordinates did the trick and Vandar is now properly sitting on a human sized chair. And while this may have worked this time it's not a very versatile solution. So, if anyone knows how to make a character float without having to edit the animations, please elaborate on it here :)

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