
Starting a copy of a module

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I'm finalizing my mod for my recruitment mod for Atris (I know I've needed countless help, but this MOST LIKELY will be the last topic) Here's my plan. Since 904kreia.dlg is so BUGGED OUT, I am making an entire copy of 907MAL. What I plan to do is just edit "kreiaend.dlg". (The fresh version of the movie, "Kreia's fall") and switch the control to Atris, and have her attempt to weaken Traya, or even defeat Traya...(Trying to have her at least have ONE *solo* part in the events of Malachor V)... How would I go about this? Since "kreiaend.dlg" is this first dialog to start, I want to change that dialog without screwing the ORIGINAL 907Mal sequence, I am planning to change the dialog to "TrayAtrisB.dlg", but what can I do to change the script to fire my dialog file instead of kreiaend? The name of my module is 960MAL, by the way! ALL HELP WILL BE CREDITED AND HIGHLY APPRECIATED!

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I'm not sure I understood everything, but I think you want to change the OnEnter script. That is the script that fires when a module is entered, obviously. Look into the area's .are to find the name of the script, then exctract it, decompile it and modify it so it does what you want to under the right conditions.


As for screwing with the original - if you keep the files in the separate .mod files, they won't affect each other. If you put the mentioned OnEnter script into the override though, it will replace all scripts named as such, so it will replace the script in both modules. To prevent that, modify your new module's .are to fire a different script OnEnter, say "k_960mal_enter", then rename your edited script to that.


If you need anything more specific than that, just say it :)

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I'm not sure I understood everything, but I think you want to change the OnEnter script. That is the script that fires when a module is entered, obviously. Look into the area's .are to find the name of the script, then exctract it, decompile it and modify it so it does what you want to under the right conditions.


As for screwing with the original - if you keep the files in the separate .mod files, they won't affect each other. If you put the mentioned OnEnter script into the override though, it will replace all scripts named as such, so it will replace the script in both modules. To prevent that, modify your new module's .are to fire a different script OnEnter, say "k_960mal_enter", then rename your edited script to that.


If you need anything more specific than that, just say it :D

Yup! I did seperate files. Always coming through for me Bead!

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